Quito Embassy Files
Agreement Between the United States and Ecuador Amending That
  of January 24, 1942, Concerning an Advance Base for American
  Military Forces at Salinas

  Duly empowered by Colonel Alberto C. Romero, Minister for the
National Defense of Ecuador, and by the Commanding General of
the Caribbean Defense Command of the United States of America,
respectively, Colonel Ricardo Astudillo, Superior Commander of the
Army of Ecuador, and Colonel Serafin M. Montesinos, United States
Army, met to modify and amplify the Agreement which was effected
January 24, 1942. These modifications and amplifications, as well as
the Agreement mentioned, must be previously ratified by the Govern-
ments of Ecuador and the United States in order to be in effect.
  Insert a) Articles 1, 2, 3, and 4 remain the same as stated in the
  Insert b) Article 5 of the Agreement is modified as follows:
            He also allows the Commanding General of the Carib-
bean Defense Command to organize an American police for internal
service during the stay of the personnel of the Army, Navy, and Avia-
tion of the United States of America on Ecuadoran soil, the said
American police to exercise its functions in the parish of Salinas.
This will not prevent the Government of the Republic of Ecuador to
maintain its own police in the said zone. In order to put this article
into effect, the Commander of the North American Base and the
Ecuadorian Commander of the Province of Guayas will determine
the norms for its execution.
  Insert c) Article 6 of the Agreement is modified as follows:
             The constructions and installations authorized may be
started immediately upon the signing of the present Agreement. Gen-
eral Lyon agrees to recommend that the sum of thirty-five thousand
dollars ($35,000.00) be delivered immediately to the Government of
Ecuador for the expropriation and indemnization for the lands and
dwellings of the Municipality of Salinas and of private citizens estab-
lished on the lands pertaining to this Agreement, and for the demoli-
tion of the existing structures that may be necessary for the construc-
tions and installations indicated above.
  Insert d) Articles 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 remain the same as stated in
               the Agreement.
  Insert e) Article 12 of the Agreement is modified as follows:
            It is understood that the Government of Ecuador does
not lose sovereignty over the lands nor the territorial waters gratui-
tously ceded, and which will be occupied by the Arms and Services