From my conversation I consider the arrangements approved by
Department's No. 591, May 20, 8 p. m., now to be in effect.
  Repeated to Panama for the information of General Andrews.

810.20 Defense/2708: Telegram
  The Ambassador in Colombia (Lane) to the Secretary of State

                                    BOGOTA, May 23, 1942-10 a. m.
                                           [Received 12: 51 p. m.]
  692. I failed to state in my 687 yesterday: It was also agreed be-
tween President Santos and me that in event of necessity of General
Andrews ordering United States Army or Navy craft to enter Colom-
bian territorial waters General Lopez would be immediately notified
in detail regarding destination, description et cetera of the forces
involved so that he in turn could at once advise the President.
  Repeated to Panama for General Andrews.

810.20 Defense/2659: Telegram
  The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Colombia (Lane)

                                WASHINGTON, May 23,1942-5 p. m.
  603. Your 634, May 12. You are authorized to inform the Minister
of War that the Navy is and will continue to make every effort to
patrol adequately the waters adjacent to the Goajira Peninsula. It
is not feasible to assign one particular vessel to this area since the
patrol is carried out by many vessels carrying out other objectives
as well.

810.20 Defense/2721: Telegram
   The Ambassador in Colordbia (Lane) to the Secretary of State

                                     BOGOTA', May 26, 1942-3 p. m.
                                            [Received 6: 54 p. m.]
  700. My 687, May 22,7 p. m.  In conversation with President-elect
Lopez last evening I referred to oral arrangement with President
Santos to permit our forces enter Colombian waters in event of emer-
gency. Lopez expressed approval of this arrangement and said he
would gladly continue it during his administration as well as any