811.34522/55 : Telegram |
The Ambassadorin Ecuador (Long) to the Secretary of State

Qurto, October 22, 1942—8 p. m.
[Received 11:59 p. m.]

880. Reference Department’s telegram No. 772, October 21 [20],
9 p.m. When the Salinas agreement was negotiated Congress was
not in session.

When the Galapagos draft agreement was submitted Presidential
powers had lapsed consequently it was referred to Foreign Relations
Committee whose chairman told me today that changes mostly im-
provements in Spanish will be reported soon. |

I have been assured that if negotiations are not resumed before the
adjournment of Congress probably on October 29* they will be
handled under special powers thereafter.

Repeated to Panama for the information of General Andrews.



822.24 /4—-642

Agreement Between the United States and Ecuador Regarding Prin-
ciples Applying to Mutual Aid in the Prosecution of the War,
Signed at Washington April 6, 1942

Wuereas the United States of America and the Republic of Ecuador
declare that in conformity with the principles set forth in the Dec-
laration of Lima, approved at the Eighth International Conference
of American States on December 24, 1938,* they, together with all the
other American republics, are united in the defense of the Americas,
determined to secure for themselves and for each other the enjoy-
ment of their own fortunes and their own talents; and

Wuereas the President of the United States of America, pursuant
to the Act of the Congress of the United States of America of March
11, 1941,°° and the President of the Republic of Ecuador have deter-

* The negotiations were suspended until October 1943.

*For previous correspondence respecting the Lend-Lease Agreement, see
Foreign Relations, 1941, vol. vir, pp. 291 ff.

* For correspondence on this Conference, see ibid., 1938, vol. v, pp. 1 ff.;
for text of the Declaration of Lima, see Report of the Delegation of the United
States of America to the Eighth International Conference of American States,
Lima, Peru, December 9-27, 1988 (Washington, Government Printing Office,
1941), p. 189.

*°55 Stat. 31.