Dr. Salazar inquired about further procedure. Should further ac-
tion await his return to Bogota, where he proposes to continue his
interest in the matter? There was discussion as to whether the De-
partment might not telegraph Ambassador Braden a report of the
status of the matter with a view to his discussing it on a personal
basis with the Minister of Finance. Dr. Salazar said that he did not
know whether the Minister would be prepared to appear in the mat-
ter in this form, although he is also a director of the Bank and is
interested in the matter in that capacity. He suggested that the
initiative as to any discussions with the Ambassador should be left
to the Minister of Finance, and said that he would immediately cable
the Minister. If he finds the Minister favorably disposed to such
conversations he will advise the Department of State would [which?]
could instruct the Ambassador in the matter.

  The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Colombia (Braden)

No. 1275                          WASHINGTON, February 5, 1942.
  The Secretary of State encloses for the information of the Ambas-
sador and the files of the Embassy, a memorandum of conversation of
January 27, 1942 94 between officers of the Department and Dr. Fer-
nando Salazar, representative of the Agricultural Mortgage Bank of
Colombia. It will be noted that Dr. Salazar felt that it would em-
barrass the Minister of Finance for the Ambassador to approach him
concerning the settlement of the defaulted bonds of the Agricultural
Mortgage Bank. Since Dr. Salazar felt that the initiative in these
discussions should come from the Minister rather than from the Am-
bassador, no discussion should be undertaken without the previous
approval of the Department. However, if the Minister of Finance
brings the matter up the Ambassador is fully at liberty to discuss it.

821.51/2693: Telegram
  The Ambassador in Colombia (Braden) to the Secretary of State

                                BOGOTA, February 13, 1942-3 p. m.
                                            [Received 9: 30 p. m.]
  196. My telegram no. 593, December 1, noon.95 From informal
conversations with the Ministry of Finance, Turbay, National City

9 Supra.
'6 Foreign Relatiom, 1941, vol. vii, p. 81.