occurs to the Legation therefore that the agreement should be drawn
up by a representative of the Rubber Reserve Company in possession
of the requisite technical knowledge.
  I have been informed entirely unofficially that the Rubber Reserve
Company is considering the appointment as its representative of
Mr. Walter E. Klippert, the manager of plantations in Central
America of the Goodyear Rubber Company. The appointment of
Mr. Klippert would be entirely satisfactory to the Legation and to
the Costa Rican Government and I venture to suggest that if he is
under consideration at present his appointment be expedited and that
he be authorized to negotiate a contract with the Costa Rican Govern-
ment either for signature by himself as representative of the Rubber
Reserve Company or by myself acting for the American Government.
  As the Costa Rican Government is anxious to'cooperate with the
United States and has now agreed in principle to our point of view
I venture to urge that this matter be concluded without delay as
various reports have reached the Legation through trade channels
that some rubber is already being purchased by private interests and
is being sent out of the country.

811.20 Defense (M)/6431
   Meworandum of Conversation, by the Minister in Costa Rica
                            (Scotten) 6

  In conversation with the President this afternoon, he brought up
the impending contract with the Rubber Reserve Board for the pur-
chase of rubber. He stated that although his Government would
sign this contract exactly as we had requested, without conditions, he
sincerely hoped that once the contract is signed we will assist Costa
Rica to obtain the return of a small part of the rubber in the form of
tires. He added that unless we do so the consequent paralyzation of
automotive traffic will, of course, reduce the consumption of gasoline
to zero, and the very important revenues which the Government now
obtains from this source will be completely lost.
  He asked whether I would not, out of a sense of pure justice, at-
tempt to secure the permission of the State Department for Costa
Rica to obtain some tires after the contract has been signed. Although
I, of course, told him that I would do what I could, I gave him no
assurances as to the probable result of my endeavors.
                                              ROBERT M. SCOTrEN
  SAN JOSE', April 2:7, 1942.

  6Copy transmitted to the Department by the Minister in his despatch No.
April 27; received May 1.