the temporary emigration of workers. to this country, it would be
desirable for representatives of the appropriate agencies of this Gov-
ernment (Departments of Agriculture, Labor and Justice and the
War Manpower Commission), and possibly a representative of the
sugar beet growers concerned, to proceed immediately to Mexico to
assist in making detailed arrangements with the appropriate Mexican
officials. This belief is based largely upon the fact that because of
the urgency of the need for additional workers, whatever action may
be taken in this matter should be taken as soon as possible. While the
broader phases of the program formulated by the other agencies of
this Government, as set forth in the enclosures, are reasonably clear
and doubtless will meet with the approval of the Mexican Govern-
ment, a number of points will undoubtedly require clarification and
it is likely that the Mexican Government will insist upon other con-
ditions not included in the present program. Accordingly, it would
seem essential that representatives of the appropriate agencies take
an active part in the detailed discussions with the Mexican officials
in order that the questions which will undoubtedly arise may be set-
tled promptly and authoritatively.
  For your confidential information it may be stated that the Depart-
ment believes it highly desirable that representatives of the other
agencies mentioned take an active part in the negotiations in order
that they may be fully impressed with the necessity of adopting ade-
quate measures to insure the compliance with all commitments made
to the Mexican Government with respect to conditions under which
Mexican workers would be brought into this country.
  For your information, it may be stated that if the Mexican Gov-
ernment should propose the establishment of a joint commission for
the control of the proposed labor movement, it is probable that ar-
rangements for such a commission could be made. However, it is
extremely unlikely that a commission could be established and begin
to function soon enough to make arrangements for the importation
of the sugar beet workers referred to herein.
  You are requested to report by telegram the results of your con-
versation with the Foreign Minister and, if the Mexican Government
indicates a willingness to permit the proposed movement provided
adequate safeguards are established and to discuss arrangements
therefor with representatives of this Government, whether you concur
with the Department's belief that it would be desirable for repre-
sentatives of the agencies concerned to proceed to Mexico City for
that purpose.
  Very truly yours,                    For the Secretary of State:
                                                  SUMNER WELLES

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