Costa Rica-Continued
Loan agreement with Export-Import
     Request for loan, 240-243; U.S. de-
       cision to make loan, and ne-
       gotiation of terms, 243-244,
       246, 247-251
    Service of bonds already held in
        United States, 239-240
    Signature of loan agreement, 252
  Rubber purchase agreement with
      Rubber Reserve Co., June 16:
      Negotiations, 228-233; text, 233-
Cotton. See under Haiti; and under
    Peru: Trade agreement with
    United States.
Crenshaw, Mr., 294
Crespo Ordofiez, Ricardo, 401n
Cuba, 253-359
  Export-Import Bank loan by agree-
      ment signed Apr. 8, 290, 291-294,
      302, 314
  Financial assistance by United
      States, question of, 290-315
    American    Technical   Mission
        (White Mission), recommen-
        dations relative to proposed
        Cuban monetary legislation.
        See Legislation, infra.
    Central bank, proposed establish-
        ment of.    See  Legislation,
    Dollar as legal tender, proposed
        elimination of, 298, 302-303,
        307, 312
    Gold purchase agreement signed
        July b6, 295-296, 301
    Habana waterworks project loan,
        consideration of, 290-291, 294-
        295, 295n
    Legislation proposed for inaugura-
        tion of new banking and cur-
        rency system: Exchange of
        views between U.S. Embassy
        and State Department regard-
        ing, 296-300, 301-313, 314-315;
        views of Lt. Southard, of
        American Technical Mission,
        308-310, 311
    Public works and agricultural proj-
        ects loan, agreement signed
        Apr. 8, 290, 291-294, 302, 314
    Reconstruction Finance Corpora-
        tion loan for development of
        nickel deposits, 302
    $25,000,000  credit  by  Export-
        Import Bank.    See  Public
        works, etc., supra.
  Hemisphere   defense,  cooperation
      with United States regarding
      certain military measures for,
    Agreement for general military-
        naval cooperation: Discus-
        sions leading to, 263, 273-274,
        278, 279, 281, 282; text signed
        Sept. 7, 283-287


Hemisphere defense-Continued
   Air operations of United States in
        Cuba (see also Agreement,
        supra), bases established by
        or made available to U.S. air
      Camagiley, 254, 262-263, 281-
          282, 288
      Communications and other privi-
          leges granted throughout
          Cuban territory, 253-254,
      Exploratory visit to certain
          sites by Gen. Ryan, 262-263,
      GuantAnamo Naval Base, landing
          fields, near, 282, 289
      List of bases being developed,
      San Antonio de los Bafios, 262-
          263, 264-273, 278, 280, 287;
          text of agreement regarding,
      San JuliAn, 258-260, 274-275,
          276, 277-280, 287, 288; ques-
          tion of tripartite agreement
          including Mexico, 276, 278,
    Army-Navy-Marine Corps Mission
        to Cuba, question of, 254-255,
    Coastal defense artillery, 262, 275,
    Delivery of military and naval
        materiel to Cuba, 256-257, 275,
    GuantAnamo Naval Base, 255, 258,
        261, 262, 282, 289
    Joint Cuban-U.S. Defense Commis-
        sion, establishment of, 254-255,
        256, 257-258, 263
    Lend-Lease funds, question of in-
        crease of, 260, 276-277, 280-
        281; materiel supplied under
        Lend-Lease, 257, 275, 289
    U.S. requests for specific facilities,
        and Cuban approval (see also
        individual subjects, supra),
        253-254, 261-262
  Lend-Lease. See under Hemisphere
      defense, supra.
  Shipping problems, discussions con-
      cerning, 343-359
    Conversations between U.S. and
        Cuban officials in Habana and
        Washington, 346-348, 353-354,
    Exports of fresh vegetables and
        fruits from Habana, problems
        of, 346-347, 348, 349, 350-351,
        352, 353-355, 355-356
    Measures and suggestions for in-
        creasing utilization of vessels,
        347,351, 353,356-357
    Newsprint imported by Cuba, prob-
        lem of, 349-350, 355