pose of refueling and servicing PBY flying ships. Mr. Lane said
that he had recommended to Mr. Bonsai 21 that no action be taken on
this request until after Dr. Lopez' inauguration, as an unfortunate im-
pression might be created if action were taken during the last few
remaining days of the administration of President Santos. Mr. Welles
then requested the Ambassador to ascertain from General Andrews, on
his way through Panama, the details of the project and discuss them
with Dr. Lopez after his inauguration. Dr. Lopez said that a project
of this importance should be discussed with Congress so as to allay
possible criticism. He again pointed out his complete support of our
objectives but in order that his support could be of the most practical
type, he wished it to be entirely constitutional and with the advice
and consent of the representatives of the people. Mr. Welles observed
that such procedure would be entirely consistent with democratic
principles and that he could well appreciate the wisdom of Dr. Lopez'
point of view.
                                       A[RTHuR] B[LISs] L[ANE]
  NEW YORK, July 25, 1942.

810.20 Defense/3072: Alrgram
    The Ambassador in Colombia (Lane) to the Secretary of State

                               BOGOTA', July 31, 1942-6: 30 p. m.
                                      [Received August 7-noon.]
  A-25. With reference to Mr. Keith's telegram No. 956 of July 21,
4 p. M.,22 regarding the request received through Brigadier General
H. C. Ingles, Chief of Staff, Headquarters Caribbean Defense Com-
mand, for the establishment of an emergency operating base for Navy
PBY airplanes in the vicinity of Cartagena, Colombia, I have the
honor to state that this project was discussed by me with Lieutenant
General F. M. Andrews, Rear Admiral Van Hook, and Ambassador
Wilson in Balboa on July 28, 1942. Admiral Van Hook explained
the need for such a base in order to lessen the distance of flights of
planes making reconnaissance surveys in that part of the Caribbean
traversed by convoys, as well as the detailed needs which would be re-
quested of the Colombian Government for the operation of this base.
  On my arrival in Bogota' I discussed the matter in general terms
with President Santos on July 29, stating that we are not yet prepared
to make the request for the base, but that I wished him to know of our
  This morning in a conversation with the Minister of Foreign Rela-
tions on other subjects, I adverted to our desire for such a base, point-
= Philip W. Bonsal, Chief of the Division of the American Republics.
"Not printed.