the extreme western tip of the Island and not far from landing field
at La Fe where there is already a small army detachment. The estab-
lishment of a base at San Julian will obviously greatly facilitate patrol
of Yucatan channel and area off northwest coast.
  No discussion of this has been undertaken thus far with the Cuban
Government which will unquestionably assent. Please inform me by
telegraph however in advance of establishment of base in order that I
may clear the matter with the Cuban Government before it becomes
fait accoimpli.

811.34537/372: Telegram
   The Acting Secretary of State to the Charge in Cuba (Briggs)

                               WASHINGTON, April 8,1942-10 p. m.
  181. Your 175, April 4, noon. The Navy Department feels that since
the proposed base at San Julian constitutes one of several measures
which are being taken pursuant to Cuban requests for additional naval
assistance and since the staff conversations provide, inter alia, for close
liaison between the Seventh Naval District at Key West and Cuban
Naval Headquarters, it is preferable that, in the interests of prompt-
ness and decentralization of command, matters of this kind should be
handled by the Naval Attache in consultation with you, without refer-
ence to Washington unless, in your judgment, special factors render the
latter course desirable.
  The Navy Department agrees to instruct the Commander, Seventh
Naval District, to give your Naval Attache advance notice to meet the
request in the second paragraph of your telegram.
  The Department concurs in the foregoing but desires that you keep
it promptly informed of all important developments.

810.20 Defense/2422: Telegram
     The Charge in Cuba (Brigg8) to the Secretary of State

                                    HABANA, April 9, 1942-6 p. m.
                                           [Received 11: 17 p. m.]
  184. Department's 181, April 8, 10 p. m. The Prime Minister19
enthusiastically endorses the establishment of patrols based on San

19Carlos Saladrigas.