tialed today by Dr. Miguel L6pez,69 Mr. Ronald Pocklington, and my-
self, I have the honor to confirm to Your Excellency that the Govern-
ment of the United States expresses its willingness, consistent with
the exigencies of the present international emergency, to cooperate
with the Government of Colombia in establishing a tire plant in
  I avail myself [etc.]                     ARTHUR BLIss LANE

811.20 Defense (M) Colombia/108: Telegram
      The Charge in Colombia (Keith) to the Secretary of State

                                      BOG OTA, July 2,1942-9 p. m.
                                      [Received July 3-1: 29 a. m.]
  907. Embassy's telegram No. 888, July 1, noon.70 Rubber agree-
ment signed July 1 by Caja and Pocklington and approved by Minis-
ter of National Economy and Ambassador Lane. Copy being taken
to Washington by the Ambassador.71

               COLOMBIA, SIGNED MARCH 17, 19427'
 Agreement Between the United States and Colombia Regarding
   Principles Applying to Mutual Aid in the Prosecution of the War,
   Signed at Washington March 17,1942

   WHEREAS the undersigned Sumner Welles, Acting Secretary of
 State of the United States of America, has been duly authorized by
 His Excellency Franklin Delano Roosevelt, President of the United
 States of America, on behalf of the United States of America pur-
 suant to the Act of the Congress of the United States of America
 of March 11 1941,73 and Gabriel Turbay, Ambassador Extraordinary
 and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Colombia to the United States
 of America, has been duly authorized by His Excellency Eduardo
 Santos, President of the Republic of Colombia, on behalf of the
 Republic of Colombia pursuant to Laws 20 and 128 of 1941, to con-

   "Manager of the Caja de Credito.
   q° Not printed.
   No copy of rubber agreement found in Department files.
   "For previous correspondence respecting Lend-Lease agreement, see
 Relations, 1941, vol. VII, pp. 1 if.
   "t 55 Stat. 31.