had been totally suspended; also that the sailings of two of the four
ships of the Fred Olsen Line from the north Pacific to Cuba via the
Panama Canal had been discontinued. Moreover, it was rumored that
the last ship in the service between Miami, Habana, and Tampa was
to be removed. He said that this situation was going to create havoc
in the movement of Cuban products, particularly fresh vegetables.
  I telephoned Mr. Wilcox in the Maritime Commission who con-
firmed the foregoing 33 and added that the two remaining ships of
the Seatrain Line were going to be put into service between New Or-
leans and Habana in lieu of New York and Habana. In this way
they could make more sailings. He said that to move the sugar crop
arrangements had been made for 75 to 80 thousand tons of shipping
of which 50% would move to the east coast and 50% via New Orleans.
On the southbound trips these ships would be available to carry cargo
to Cuba. With regard to the carriage of Cuban vegetables, he ad-
mitted that the situation was going to be bad. He explained to me
once again the reasons for the withdrawal of this shipping.
  I told the Ambassador frankly that it had been necessary to re-
move the ships for military reasons; that Cuba, however, was not
suffering any more than the other American countries; and that every-
thing that could be done would be done to insure sufficient ships to
move Cuba's imports and exports.
  The Ambassador took the information as well as might be expected
but naturally left very unhappy over the prospective situation.

800.8836/738: Telegram
       The Charge' in Cuba (Briggs) to the Secretary of State

                                   HABANA, March 3, 1942-10 p. m.
                                   [Received March 4-1: 08 a. m.]
  100. My telegram  No. 95, February 28, noon.34 The Minister
of State 35 has expressed great concern over the maritime transporta-
tion problem. During a lengthy conversation this morning he made
the following points:
  1. That reports from Concheso are "altogether discouraging" not-
withstanding sympathy with which the Ambassador has been

'A marginal notation at this point reads: "Not withdrawal of ship in
bana-Miami run."
"'Not printed; in this telegram the Charg6 reported that the Ward Line
no vessels for the southbound trade and suggested that the sugar ships bring
cargo on their return trips to Cuba (800.8836/737).
'3 Josd Manuel Cortina.