"madness" for Colombian rubber to be manufactured into tires in
United States and then reshipped to Colombia for consumption here.
  I transmit the foregoing merely to give the Department the point
of view of the Foreign Office. The objection raised by Lopez de
Mesa in paragraph number 2 need not necessarily be considered as
representing the final view of the Colombian Government.

811.20 Defense (M) Colombia/84: Telegram
  The Ambassador in Colombia (Lane) to the Secretary of State

                                    BoGOTAo, June 5, 1942-7 p. m.
                                    [Received June 6-12: 50 a. m.]
  755. Department's No. 632, May 30, 6 p. m. Following is the sub-
stance of remarks made to me this afternoon by Minister of National
  1. Colombian Government would be prepared to conclude purchase
agreement for rubber with us for 5-year period but would prefer after
a 2-year period to have an option to discuss price if conditions should
  2. Colombian Government although not absolutely insisting on con-
struction of a tire plant would prefer this arrangement for production
of tires for they are absolutely essential for maintenance of national
economy. Colombian Government has already in force severe restric-
tions regarding use of tires and regarding reclamation of rubber. Co-
lombia has until now refused to supply rubber to Venezuela and Ar-
gentina for manufacture of tires and will continue to do so unless
unable to obtain tires from (a) local manufacture or (b) from our
excess stocks understood to be now in Brazil (he said that about 2
weeks ago Brazil refused to sell tires to Colombia on the ground that
an agreement with us precluded exportation).
  3. Maximum of 1,000 tons per annum of rubber products including
tires would be sufficient.
  4. The question of price is not all important. (I did not discuss
the matter of price more fully in the absence of reply to my telegram
no. 748, June 4, 1 p. M.62) I am going to see the President tomorrow
morning and will endeavor to obtain firm agreement to go ahead with
definite negotiations on the basis of the foregoing.
 62 Not printed.