agreement relating to Salinas, and inquire whether that is agreeable
to him.

Please report the outcome of this conversation only to the Depart-
ment. If the President expresses any views regarding the provisions
of the new agreement different from the general lines of the Salinas

agreement please report these fully.


810.20 Defense/3031
Memorandum by the Liaison Officer (Wilson)?®

[WasuineTon, | September 1, 1942.

Major Hero, Operations Division, War Department, with whom
the question, raised in your memorandum of August 28, was dis-
cussed, states that the War Department is not engaged in working out
an agreement for the cooperative defense of the Galapagos Islands.

He explained that the existing verbal understanding * seemed to
be working satisfactorily and he assumed that General Andrews had
decided that, as in the case of Salinas, it would be better to continue
on the present basis rather than to open up negotiations and incur the
risk of ultimately obtaining a less satisfactory arrangement. Major
Hero pointed out that the decision in this matter rested with General




Agreement Between the United States and Ecuador, Signed at Quito,
October 1, 1942, Amending That of January 24, 1942, Concerning
an Advance Base for American Military Forces at Salinas *

Duly empowered by Colonel Alberto C. Romero, Minister of Na-
tional Defense of Ecuador, and by the Commanding General of the
Caribbean Defense Command of the United States of America, re-
spectively, Colonel Ricardo Astudillo, Superior Commander of the
Army of Ecuador, and Colonel Serafin M. Montesinos, United States

® Addressed to Mr. Bonsal, Chief of the Division of the American Republics,
Mr. Woodward, Assistant Chief, and Mr. Melby of the same Division.

72 Not found in Department files.

* A comment in the handwriting of the Assistant Liaison Officer, David Key,
appears as follows: “In a liaison meeting last December, Mr. Welles made known
the Ecuadoran Government’s desire that the United States urgently cooperate in
the defense of the Ecuadoran coast and the Galdipagos and that there was no
objection to proceeding in these matters without awaiting the signature of written

*1True copy of the original transmitted to the Department by the Ambassador
in Ecuador in his despatch No. 3591, October 2; received October 8.