referred to in this Agreement, and, therefore, the United States does
not acquire ownership of them. Upon the termination of the life of
this Agreement the structures erected, excepting armament, machin-
ery, equipment, instruments, etc., will become the exclusive property
of the Government of Ecuador.
Insert f) Articles 138 and 14 remain the same as stated in the
Insert g) Article 15 of the Agreement is modified as follows:
This Agreement shall be in force and shall continue
in effect for the period of the present war emergency and may con-
tinue thereafter, if, in the opinion of the two Governments, there still
exists the danger of aggression by a non-American power against an
American power.
Insert 2) Tothe Agreement shall be added the following Article:
Art. 16. The Ministry of National Defense of Ecuador,
through a duly authorized representative, shall have the right to in-
spect the works and constructions undertaken by the North American
troops, and in general all the zone occupied by them, for the purpose
of effecting coordination for the mutual defense.

Signed at. Quito, the 20th day of February 1942.

Coronet Ina. Ricarpo ASTUDILLO SerAFin M. Monresinos
Colonel, U.S. Army
Witness: Witness:
A, Alban Borja T. S. Stern

Ensign, U S.N.


822.24/164 : Telegram .
The Minster in Ecuador (Long) to the Secretary of State

Qurro, February 25, 1942—9 p. m.

[Received February 26—11:26 a, m.]

153. General Andrews sent Colonel Montesinos here February 19

to negotiate amendments to the Salinas agreement of January 24.?°

Amendments were signed February 20° and on the 21st or the 23d a
similar agreement should have been signed covering Galapagos base.

About a month ago Colonel Montesinos was informed by the Min-

ister of National Defense that Ecuador had been trying for over a

year to get arms and equipment for the defense of its territory and no

* Ante, p. 366.
” Supra.