arranged by the establishment of liaison officers of the Governments
of Colombia and of Venezuela at the headquarters of General Andrews
in the Panama Canal Zone with the authority to confirm emergency
arrangements of this character without the delay which will ensue
from the need for consultation between the Governments most directly
  It is proposed that the action under reference would only be
resorted to in the case of extreme emergency where prompt action
alone would serve to safeguard the Canal and the common interests
of the three countries most directly involved.
  Please take this matter up immediately with the President of the
Republic, or should you deem it preferable, with the Minister for
Foreign Affairs. In essence what is proposed is that the government
to which you are accredited agree to send as liaison officer to General
Andrews' headquarters in the Panama Canal Zone an officer of the
highest possible rank and responsibility who would be able to agree
at a moment's notice with General Andrews upon the need for the
taking of emergency action which might involve the coastal areas or
the territorial waters of the Republics of Venezuela and of Colombia.
The utmost speed is necessary in cases of this character as I am sure
the government to which you are accredited will agree.
  The liaison officers whom it is suggested be sent to cooperate with
General Andrews in the Panama Canal Zone would, of course, be
furnished accommodations and quarters and all facilities commensu-
rate with their rank. They would be treated as distinguished guests
of the Government of the United States.
  In view of the extreme urgency of this problem, please telegraph
a reply as promptly as possible and do everything that may be within
your power to convince the government to which you are accredited
of the need in its own interest of an arrangement of this character.

821.20/190: Telegram
  The Ambassador in Colombia (Braden) to the Secretary of State

                              BOGOTA', February 20, 1942-11 p. m.
                              [Received February 21-2: 12 a. m.]
  239. Department's telegram 196, February 18, midnight. I suggest
that at end of antepenultimate sentence of proposed letter the follow-
ing be inserted: "or that their military status otherwise be indicated
in any manner whatsoever".
  American companies now exploring concessions in the Llanos are
Texas Petroleum Company and Richmond Petroleum Company (sub-
sidiary of Standard Oil of California). Those exploring but not