would be in any way affected by the particular state of Chile's diplo-
matic or other relations with Japan at the time. Therefore, I hope
that the 'full Chilean cooperation' mentioned in your telegram 136 20
will be immediately forthcoming, since it will be a most valuable con-
tribution to the placing of both our countries in the best possible
position to meet all eventualities. Signed Franklin D. Roosevelt"

810.20 Defense/1951: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the American Delegate to the Third Meeting
    of Foreign Ministers of the American Republics (Welles)
                         WASHINGTON, January 26, 1942-8 p. M.21
  79. For the Under Secretary. Your 52, January 25, 1 p. M.22 You
are authorized to sign a document in the following sense:
  "Meeting together, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Chile, Dr.
Juan B. Rossetti, and the Under Secretary of State of the United
States of America, Mr. Sumner Welles, have considered the require-
ments of continental defense, and particularly the requirements of
Chile to defend its long coastline in view of the situation created
by the fact that the United States has been the victim of an aggression
by a non-American state, that ten of the American Republics are at
war with the Axis powers, and that the Meeting of Foreign Ministers
at Rio has agreed to a resolution recommending that all the American
Republics sever their relations with the Axis.
  In view of the circumstances set forth by Minister Rossetti, the
Under Secretary of State, Mr. Welles, declared that, in accord with
unequivocal assurances to go to the assistance of any nation of the
Western Hemisphere which has been the victim of non-American
aggression, the United States, in the event of an attack by a non-
American country against Chile, will take immediate steps to send
naval, air and land forces to repulse this aggression. In the meantime,
precautionary defense measures have been taken to render as unlikely
as possible attack upon the coastline of Chile. The War and Navy
Departments would welcome further opportunity to discuss amplifica-
tion and implementation of the conversations previously held with the
appropriate officers of the Chilean Government."
  The President, who was consulted with respect to your telegram,
thought that you should point out to Rossetti that the United States has
undertaken and expects to carry forward, with the assistance of the
other American republics concerned, the defense of a seaboard on the
Pacific of 10,000 miles; that since we do not have enough ships to locate

20January 22, 9 p. m., p. 5.
21This message apparently was sent to Santiago on February 10.
2 Vol. v, p. 39.
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