why such concessions are essential from our standpoint, and he seemed
to understand the reasons stated. In this connection, he referred to
our request for a concession on apples and asked whether we could
not consider putting the concession on a seasonal basis as such a limi-
tation would help him defend the concession in Mexico.
  With reference to Schedule II, Dr. Beteta asked that Mexico be
given the full 50 percent reduction in duty on tomatoes and that the
season during which the concession applies be extended to two
months. I explained to him how a further reduction of duty would
result in a further reduction to Cuba and the reasons why this is ob-
jectionable, which reasons he seemed fully to understand.
  In regard to the extension of the season, I said that I did not
know the situation but that our people were presumably looking into
the matter if the question had been raised with them, which he
said it had.
  With reference to petroleum, Dr. Beteta asked how soon we could
get a decision, what concession we were seeking to get Interior to
agree to, and whether we were trying to get the quota removed en-
tirely. I said it is a little difficult to give a precise answer to this
question, but I could assure him that we would get the best concession
possible. With reference to the time, I said that I could not tell him
definitely but that I hoped we would be in a position to tell him
within a few days.
  Dr. Beteta said it is difficult to talk about concessions which they
will grant, or to urge his Government to accept our proposals, with-
out knowing what we were prepared to offer on so important an item
as petroleum. I suggested that if it is impossible to go ahead with
important matters of substance, that our two delegations might clear
away technical details, such as translations and so forth, pending a
continuation of the discussions on important questions of substance.
He agreed that this is desirable.

Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. John M. Leddy of the Division
               of Commercial Policy and Agreements

                                    [WASHINGTON,] July 30, 1942.
Participants: Sres. Saenz, Bueno and Arroyo; Messrs. Fowler, Sams
                 (Commerce), Pierce (Tariff Commission), and
  The Mexican negotiators were handed two memoranda, dated
July 30,28 proposing or confirming certain changes in Articles I, V,
VI, VIII, X, XI, XII, XV and XVI of the general provisions.
  " Not printed.