month is entirely arbitrary and is evidently put forward as a trading
proposition. Particularly in the matter of private cars there is still
little evidence that the rationing of gasoline has had pronounced ef-
fects on the number in circulation and, in the case of other petroleum
products, it is admitted that little has been done toward reducing nor-
mal consumption. The Embassy knew that the Ministry of Com-
merce, which is handling the petroleum problem, was preparing its case
and hoped that instead of repeating the same general arguments which
had prevously been put forward specific facts and figures would be
presented, showing in detail the quantities of the various petroleum
products required for essential uses and the quantities now being
supplied under the reduced delivery schedule.
  A further attempt will be made to obtain data of this character
which will be transmitted promptly with the Embassy's comments.
Meanwhile, unless and until the Chilean Government demonstrates
that it has done everything possible to eliminate all waste and unes-
sential consumption of petroleum products it does not seem desirable
that our Government should agree to increase the schedule of deliver-
ies now in effect. This statement is made despite the fact that in the
Embassy's opinion that schedule does place Chile in an extremely
difficult position.
  Respectfully yours,                           CLAUDE G. BOWERS

825.6363/253: Airgram
  The Ambassador in Chile (Bowers) to the Secretary of State

                              SANTIAGO, August 25,1942-5: 50 p. m.
                                 [Received August 31-10: 30 a. m.]
  A-91. In accordance with his latest intimation from the Department
that 40% of the 1941 petroleum consumption might be the total
available for normal internal consumption in Chile, a study was
prepared by Mr. Clover 59 from all available data to show the effect
upon Chile's internal economy. It is the Embassy's recommendation
that the 40% basis be modified to the extent of an additional 153,000
barrels every 6 months, say 2 cargoes. Total rationed consumption
in any 6 months' period would thus be scheduled as 488,000 barrels.
  It is expected this quantity would permit the functioning of es-
sential public services, motor truck and bus transport at an existence
level, and such taxis and essential private cars as may be necessary, but
would eliminate pleasure driving. The Embassy considers that further

' Philip Clover, Petroleum Attache at Buenos Aires, whose jurisdiction in-
cluded Chile.