tion in Chile is considered by the Office of Exports as an attempt to
evade the conditions and responsibilities incurred by the license under
the general terms of the license granted and that unless this move-
ment ceases it may result in the offending importing dealers being
cut off from any further repair parts or accessories. In discussing
this matter, please point out that the stock of automotives now in
Chile must serve for an indefinite period and that no more auto-
motives can, or will, be licensed to Chile because there are no more
available. Please also inform the Department promptly as to the
names of the dealers who are selling automotives in Chile for export
to Argentina. For your strictly confidential information the Depart-
ment has, as a matter of policy, secured the suspension of all exports
of automotives from the United States to Argentina since July and
the action of the Chilean Government in facilitating the movement
of automotives to Argentina via Chile is embarrassing.

825.50/88: Telegram
  The Ambassador in Chile (Bowers) to the Secretary of State

                              SANTIAGO, September 28, 1942-6 p. m.
                                              [Received 9: 38 p. m.]
  1579. That Chile will make a strong effort to obtain economic con-
cessions during President's visit is clearly indicated by recent intense
activity of National Supply Board in preparing new estimates of
country's requirements of many commodities, notably iron and steel
and chemicals, for Desiderio Garcia of Fomento Corporation, mem-
ber of Presidential Party, who left for United States by air Septem-
ber 25. The representations made in this connection will certainly
exaggerate the need and should not be accepted without confirmation
by this Embassy. Economically Chile is still in a favored situation
and the essentially selfish and unenlightened economic policy it has
been following can hardly be overlooked.

811.659 Automobiles/464: Airgraxm
  The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Chile (Bowers)

                       WASHINGTON, November 13, 1942-6: 55 p. m.
  A-279. Your despatch no. 4568 of October 1, 1942 30 concerning
the export of American automobiles from Chile. The Department and
the Office of Exports consider that the dealers who exported automo-

s Not printed.