825.24/312: Telegram
  The Ambassador in Chile (Bowers) to the Secretary of State

                              SANTIAGO, February 4, 1942-7 p. m.
                                             [Received 8:45 p. m.]
  208. See War Department's telegram no. 68, January 31 to Mili-
tary Attache here.24
  Have just had a talk with Rossetti who urged that any war material
to be sent should arrive coincident with reopening of Congress last
week in February to consider Rio resolution for breaking relations
with Axis Powers. Properly publicized here this should help remove
opposition to ratification. Rossetti said however that if any Ameri-
can military personnel accompanies material this fact should be care-
fully handled and it should be emphasized that they were merely com-
ing for temporary training purposes.

825.24/315a: Telegram
  The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Chile (Bowers)

                             WASHINGTON, February 4,1942-8 p. m.
  138. Your 118, January 22, [20], 10 p. in., and subsequent telegrams
and your despatch 2443, January 19, transmitting Colonel Niergarth's
  This Government has been giving careful consideration to the prob-
lem of cooperating with the Chilean Government in the cause of hemi-
sphere defense by affording additional protection to certain impor-
tant localities in Chile, and is pleased to state that if the Chilean
Government should so request in writing, stating that it has learned
of the availability of this material an(d of its utility for coast de-
fense purposes, the War Department is prepared to ship to Chile about
February 15 for delivery to the Chilean Government 4 batteries (16
guns) of 155-millimeter cannon with 300 rounds of ammunition per
gun. It is believed that they would be most advantageously set up
at Antofagasta, Tocopilla, Barquitos, and San Antonio.
  Each battery of guns will be accompanied by a detachment of ap-
proximately 300 men which is the number of men assigned to op-
erate these batteries in the United States. The efficient and maximum
handling of these guns requires an integrated military setup. For
each battery there are battery headquarters, gun squads, ammunition
squads, searchlight platoon, medical detachment, fire control detail

" Not printed; in this telegram the War Department indicated its considera-
tion of sending four batteries to Chile.
25Despatch No. 2443 not printed; Niergarth reported on the vulnerability
Chilean ports and power plants (825.24/225).