ARTICLE VIII: Communications
  Authorization is granted to the Unit by the Cuban Government
for the establishment and operation of such military communications
as may be essential solely for the functioning of the Unit.
    ARTICLE IX: Fugitives from Justice; Offenses Committed
                         Outside the Zone
  Fugitives from justice charged with crimes or misdemeanors ame-
nable to Cuban law taking refuge within the zone shall be delivered by
the United States authorities on demand by duly authorized Cuban
authorities. On the other hand, the Republic of Cuba agrees that
fugitives from justice belonging to the personnel of the Unit who are
charged with crimes or misdemeanors amenable to United States
law committed within the said zone who are found or take refuge
outside the zone, shall on demand be delivered up to the duly author-
ized United States authorities.
  Any other case of a similar nature, not covered by this Agreement,
shall be settled through consultation between the Ministry of State of
Cuba and the Embassy of the United States in Habana.
                 ARTICLE X: Postogffee Facilities
  The Government of the United States is authorized to establish a
United States post office or offices within the zone for the exclusive
use of personnel of the Unit.
        ARTICLEI XI: Rights and Privileges Extended to
                        British Personnel
  All rights and privileges authorized to personnel of the Unit who
are citizens of the United States shall be likewise authorized with
respect to British military personnel serving with the Unit and under
the jurisdiction of the military authorities of the United States in the
               ARTICLE XII: Claims for Damages
  A joint commission of the Governments of Cuba and the United
States shall be established to have jurisdiction over the settlement of
all claims for damages to Cuban life or property which may result
from aircraft or other accidents incident to the operation of the Unit.
              ARTICLE XIII: Duration of Agreement
  The authorizations contained in this Agreement for military war-
time cooperation shall cover the period of the present war plus six
months after the establishment of peace between the United States
and the Axis powers.