8121.6363/7795a: Telegram
      The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Mexico

                        WASHINGTON, December 14, 1942-11 a. m.
  1650. The recommendations of the Mission of Oil Experts which
relate to materials and equipment required for the repair and extension
of Mexican oil refineries and for the construction of certain new plants
and facilities have been approved and endorsed by this Department
and steps will be taken to facilitate the priority allocations which will
be necessary to secure the material. It is assumed that the Mexican
Government will consult us with regard to securing the services of
competent American manufacturers who are well established in this
specialized field of work for the design and erection of this equipment
and for training of operators if necessary, thus insuring the most
efficient use of the material which is to be spared for the purpose. This
Department is prepared to be of the utmost assistance in making such
  A summary of the portion of the mission's report which relates
to such plants is being forwarded to you. You are requested to trans-
mit it to the appropriate officials with the suggestion that it be re-
viewed by them and that in due course they send appropriate repre-
sentatives to discuss with the Department the arrangements they
propose for prosecuting the work in so far as American manufacturers
or contractors are concerned. This Department will arrange for se-
curing the assistance of other agencies of this Government whenever
this will be helpful.
  With regard to the project for the construction of the 100 octane
gasoline plant, it is our desire that negotiations for the erection and
management of this plant be carried on between representatives of
our two Governments. With this in view the Government agencies
concerned here are now consulting with each other and should be
in a position shortly to discuss the matter with the Mexican authorities.
  Action to be taken on other recommendations of the Mission of Oil
Experts will be determined later, at which time a copy of the com-
plete report with essential supporting data will be furnished.