considered unwise to postpone negotiations pending the determination
of the various essential wartime requirements of the other republics
and of the methods by which these requirements might most efficiently
be satisfied. Up-to-date information has not been available here as to
the extent to which methods of manufacturing tires and tubes achieve
as great a degree of conservation of crude rubber as is the case here,
where reclaiming and recapping facilities are in use. The manufac-
ture of a great number of rubber products has been discontinued in
this country and drastic measures for the conservation of rubber
have been instituted.
  This Government is prepared to give assurances that, on the basis
of the foregoing factors and having in mind the great shortage of
rubber, this Government will endeavor repeat endeavor to satisfy the
essential wartime requirements for rubber products, including tires
and tubes of the country to which you are accredited.
  The question of whether these requirements will be satisfied by
shipment from here or from Brazil or from some other manufactur-
ing country will not be determined by any motives of commercial
gain in this country but solely on the basis of efficiency from the
point of view of availability of shipping, potential risk of loss in
shipping, and of the amount of crude rubber consumed. It appears
logical that a substantial part of these requirements should be fur-
nished from stocks contracted for by this Government in Brazil.
Existing Venezuelan manufacturing capacity might best be used for
supplying nearby countries. But in any event the contractual rights
obtained by this Government will not be used to deny to the other
Republics their essential requirements of rubber products.
  You are requested to bring the substance of the foregoing to the
attention of the proper officials of the government to which you are

811.20 Defense(M)Colombia/74: Telegram
  The Ambassador in Colombia (Lane) to the Secretary of State

                                    BOGOTA, May 25, 1942-8 p. m.
                                    [Received May 26-12: 40 a. m.]
  698. My 691, May 22, 11 p. m.6' The following is a brief summary
of statements made to me today by Minister of National Economy:
  The Colombian Government is prepared to enter into an agreement
with the United States Government giving us the right to purchase
all rubber in excess of Colombian internal needs at a price to be based

e' Not printed.