Panama, which shall be the only organization or agency empowered to
purchase crude rubber for export, to assist in rubber production and
to aid in the development of the rubber resources of the Republic of
Panama. It is understood that such organization or agency as may be
established shall have all powers necessary and appropriate to the
performance of these functions. It is further understood that the
Republic of Panamat will collaborate with the program in every possi-
ble way to the end that the largest possible quantity of rubber, con-
sistent with the conservation of the resources of Panama, may be
  4. Rubber Reserve, through its agency, and the Republic of Panamat
will jointly take such measures as may be deemed necessary to assure
that gatherers of rubber receive a fair proportion of the final price
paid at the ports of shipment. Rubber Reserve agrees to collaborate
fully with the Republic of Panamai in accomplishing such purposes,
and to consult, through the proper channels, with the Ministry of
Commerce and Agriculture of the Republic of Panama with respect to
the inclusion in contracts of provisions for accomplishing such pur-
poses as well as other methods of improving economic conditions for
the growers of rubber.
  5. The term of this agreement shall be for a period beginning with
the date hereof and ending December 31, 1946, unless sooner terminated
by the mutual consent of the parties hereto.
  6. This agreement requires the approval of the Executive Power of
the Government of the Republic of Panama.'
  Signed in Panama in duplicate in both English and Spanish this
11th day of September, 1942.
  On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Panama,
                                                OCTAViO FABREGA
                                    Minister for Foreign Affairs
  On behalf of the Rubber Reserve Company, Agency of the Govern-
ment of the United States of America,
                                                  J. L. APODACA

 3The agreement was signed by the Panamanian President on September 12.