companied by appropriate aides, including a naval officer, to proceed
to Bogota to discuss matters of his interest; and the Department heart-
ily approves.
  The above text is for your guidance but you are authorized to make
appropriate changes in your discretion to meet any special local

811.34521/15: Telegram
  The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Colombia (Lane)

                         WASHINGTON, September 15,1942-10 p. m.
  967. Your 1191 of September 12, 3 p. m. Your authority is con-
tained in the last paragraph of the Department's telegram 959 of
September 12.

811.34521/16: Telegram
  The Ambassador in Colombia (Lane) to the Secretary of State

                              BOGOTA', September 15,1942-11 p. m.
                              [Received September 16-5: 33 a. m.]
  1199. Department's 959, September 12, 7 p. m., which crossed my
1191, September 12,3 p. m. In presence of General Andrews, Admiral
Van Hook, General Ingles and Ministers Echandia and Galvis,36 Presi-
dent L6pez today advised me that permission for establishment at
Cartagena of emergency service as outlined in point No. 2 in Depart-
ment's 959 is definitely granted. As Echandia said that possible con-
stitutional objection might be raised regarding stationing of seaplane
tender and as Admiral Van Hook stated that, in view of granting of
other facilities at Cartagena, this point is not of pressing urgency, no
definite decision was taken on this point.
  I showed President draft note based on Department's 959 as well
as alternative draft which omitted point No. 1 in view of the Presi-
dent's request transmitted in my 1191.
  President suggested that we transmit note along lines of draft trans-
mitted in Department's 959 with following changes:
  1. Note would commence with reference to conversation of today
in which permission for establishment of facilities mentioned at
Cartagena were granted.

seA. Galvis, Colowbian Secretary of War.