814.24/148: Telegram
The Minister in Guatemala (Des Portes) to the Secretary of State

                          GUATEMALA, January 22, 1942-5 p. m.
                                            [Received 9: 10 p. m.]
  27. The Minister for Foreign Affairs' has just informed me that
President Ubico had requested him to approach me confidentially
regarding the possibility of securing for Guatemala arms and mili-
tary equipment under the Lease-Lend plan. The President proposes
for consideration the loan from the United States Government of the
materials included in the list which was prepared by Generals Sierra
and Mendoza last June while in Washington.
  President Ubico said, "If we are at war with the aggressor powers,
it is to cooperate with the United States in its defense, therefore it
seems only equitable and just that in view of the Lease-Lend Act,2
the United States Government should lend Guatemala what she needs
to arm herself so she may be ready for that defense. Upon the end
of the war, in the most honorable way, whatever has been received by
Guatemala as a loan will be returned to the United States Govern-
ment and the Guatemalan Government would pay for whatever it has
taken over for its own use or which has been damaged in any way".
  Urgent reply requested.
                                                    DES PORTES

810.20 Defense/2074: Telegram
The Minister in Guatemala (Des Portes) to the Secretary of State

                         GUATEMALA, February 17, 1942-4 p. m.
                                           [Received 7: 49 p. m.]
  69. In accordance with Department's telegram number 228 of De-
cember 13, 8 p. M.,3 understanding was reached covering several as-
pects of United States airbase in Guatemala, but it did not specifically

  ' Carlos Salazar.
  'Approved March 11, 1941; 55 Stat. 31.
  3 Foreign Relations, 1941, vol. vi, p. 56.