you believe the negotiations should furnish an opportune occasion
to reach a solution.
  Very truly yours,                    For the Secretary of State:
                                                  SUMNER WELLES

837.61351/3439: Telegram
   The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Cuba (Braden)

                         WASHINGTON, November 4, 1942-7 p. m.
  1091. With reference to the proposal of the Cuban Government to
send a group to Washington to discuss the 1943 crop, you are author-
ized to inform the Cuban Government that this Government will be
prepared to initiate the conversations about November 12 or any time
thereafter when it may be convenient for the Cuban officials to
  Please notify the Department as soon as possible of the composi-
tion of the group and their expected date of arrival.

  Proposal by the Department of State Concerning the 1943 Cuban
                          Sugar Crop 29

  On Saturday, December 5, representatives of the United States
Commission submitted to the Cuban Commission, a price of 2.65 cents
per pound of raw sugar delivered into ocean carrier, all charges paid,
this figure to include all Cuban taxes. This price would be applicable
to 2,500,000 short tons of Cuban raw sugar to be produced in 1943,
and was submitted subject to certain basic terms, the principal of
which are as follows.:
Size of crop
  (a) The size of the crop is to be limited to 3,225,000 short tons of
raw sugar, of which 2,500,000 tons would be purchased by Commodity
Credit Corporation; 500,000 tons would be held in Cuba for a United
Nations stockpile, as outlined below and, 225,000 tons would be pro-
duced for local consumption in Cuba.
  (b) The 500,000 tons for the United Nations stockpile would be
produced by Cuban producers at a figure to be negotiated between
the Cuban Government and the producers without any participation
by the United States.

   The conversations were begun In Washington on November 23 and continued
through December; thereafter negotiations were continued in Cuba.
'9 Handed to the Cuban Commission on December 8, 1942.