URUGUAY:                                                             Page
  Agreement between the United States and Uruguay regarding purchase
      by the United States of Uruguayan wool, effected by exchange of
      notes, November 23, 1942........ ... .. .. . ... .. ... ..   .   695
  Lend-Lease Agreement between the United States and Uruguay, signed
      January 13, 1942.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ..   703
  Discussions with the Uruguayan Government regarding utilization of
      German ships requisitioned by Uruguay........ .. ... .. ..   .   703
  Negotiations relating to the reciprocal trade agreement between the
      United States and Uruguay, signed at Montevideo on July 21, 1942 .
  Negotiation of agreement between the Export-Import Bank and Uru-
      guay for a loan for a public works program in Uruguay .... .  .   .
  Agreement between the United States and Uruguay regarding comple-
      tion of hydroelectric project on Rio Negro......... ... ..   .   731

  Agreement between the United States and Venezuela granting the United
      States exclusive purchasing right to all of Venezuela's exportable
      rubber . ...............735
         rubber.     .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........................
 Lend-Lease Agreement between the United States and Venezuela, signed
      March 18, 1942 ............................... .                 735
  Discussions between the United States and Venezuela regarding proposed
     legislation for control of petroleum industry in Venezuela ...   . 
