STATES.        Capitals.        Governors.     Salari s e

Alabama .      Montgomery .     Rufus IW. Cobb    S3,000   2
Arkansas...... Little Rock'. ...... t. RMi. r...       0,   2
California..... Sacramento ...... Geo. (!. Perkins 7,d0011  4
Colorado       De.. lver ..     Frederick W. Pitlkii 3, 000.  2
Connecticut... Hartford........t has. B. Andrew,..s 2,0'8(01  2
Delaware ..... Dover      ..    John W. 11al ...... 2,000   4
Florida .      Tallahassee ...... Geo. F. Drew      3,500   4
Georgia ....   Atlanta ......... A. II. Colqueltt.  4, 0   4
Illinois ...... Springlield ....... S. M. Cullom ...  *6,000  4
Indiana.       Indianapolis     James 1. Wzeliams. 6i, WOO  4
Iowa ......... Des Moines.      John H. Gear        3,. 00  2
Iansas.. ...... Topeka ........... John P. ;t. John. 3, 000  2
Kentucky .     Fraikilort ........ Luke P. Blackburn. "55,0b0  4
Louisiana      New Orleans .    F. T. :Nichols ..   8,000  4
Maine .        Augsta.........   ................ . 2,500   1
Maryland ...... Annapolis. .... John' Lee Cezrrolt .I  4,500  4
Massachusetts. Boston .......... John D. Long ...... 4,000   1
Michigan...... Lansing......... Chas. M. Crosswell. 1,000    2
Minnesota..... bt. Paul........ John A. Pillsbury.. 3,100   2
Mississippi... Jackson .......... John it. Stone ...... 4,)0| 4
'Missouri ...... Jeflerson City. J, ht S. Phelps .....  5,0. 0  4
Nebraska .     Lincoln ......... Albino Nance         503
Nevada ....... Carson City .    John 1I. Kinkead... 6,000   4
New Hampsh'e Concord ...........Nat. Head. .        1,000  2
,New Jersey ... Trenton ......... Geo. 1. Alctlella. 5,)000   3
New York..     Albany ........... Alonzo B. Cornell.. 10,0100  3
North Carolina Raleigh. ....... ..Thos. J. Jcarvis  ],,1)110  4
Ohio. ...       Columnbus .      Charles Foster     4,000  2
,Oregon   .     Salem ..........SV. W. Thayer ...... 1,5,0   4
I               14n,,rishurg ....... Henry M. lHoyt..... 10.000, 4

Expiration of

Nov. 28, '80
Jan. 17,'81
Jan. -, '84
Jan. 13, "81
Jan. -, '81
Jail. --'c3
Jan. 1, '81
N ov.-, 'cO
Jan.   , '81
Jan. 1, '81
Jall   , '82
Jan. 3, '81
Sept. 1, '83
-Jal. 1, '81
Jan. 1, 'WO
Jan. 1, '80
JTan. 3, '18
Jan. 1, 18J
Jan. 1, '80
Jan. 1, '82
Jan. 1, '81
Jan. 1, '61
Jan. 1, '63
Jan. 1, '81
Jan. 1, '81
Jan. 1, '82
Jan. 1, '61
Jan. 1, '82
Sept. 1, '62
Jan. 1, "83

      es."      ISIS  Time of holding
P'.-         q'zN': r  elections.

12   121 ... ....8 Ilst Mon Aug. '80.
      ilk                    SL0 5 4 s.l et'80.
 63   18      39  4 ,To at' 1st Al.oiNo v.
 531  21   1 ...  I ITu   .stM.Nov.'ol.
 1119 87   1  _..  4 1st Toes. Nov. '81.
      830.........1 aie. IstMA. Nov. '83.
 08   80 .... .... 2 I'tu. af.istlMon. '80.
 5   214 ........ 9 Ist Wed Oct. 'S0.
.... .... .... ....  19  '1 u. af. stM .Nov.'e0
63    80   7 ...   3 I.d Tues. Oct. 'o.
122   214  6   1   1) /2d'aues. Oct. '81.
1,1 1 19  19       3 N ov. 2, '80.
.. ... ..         10 4th Mon. Aug. '83.
.. .         .     0 istolin Nov. '0.
              5.e. / %d lion. Sept.
  27  74 ....         th....0 4tNov. '83.
       .1. 11 Ti.a'.lIstM.Nov.'80
  89  25  18   ,..9 )   o' st M.Nov.'80
                   1 T'81
  5   131 15   3   6/ilstTues. of Nov.',l
  11105 .... 2 7  13 l Nov.'80
  81  19  ... 14   1 Tu.aflstM. of Nov
  561 14  .... 4   1 i|t Tnies. Ncv.
  188 107 ...  9   3Tu.laf.istiM. of Nov.
  47  g4      .... 7  1 Nov.
.... ..... .... ....  33
.... * .... . -.-.I 8 Nov. 2d '80.
  90   63 o.... ... 20 AdTn.of Oct. '81.
*.I..... I .. .. IO.t1 list Mon. June, '80.
. a .... 27 Tu. af. lst Al. Nov.

*Wltlh furnished mansion.
