Portraits of team members of the 1931 River Falls State Teachers College affirmative debate team. The affirmative team, composed of freshman, Leslie Libakken, Holmen, Wisconsin; senior, Leonard Madison, Milltown, Wisconsin; junior, Raymond Penn, DePere, Wisconsin; and junior, Horace Merrill (captain), Taylor, Wisconsin; met the Oshkosh negative team in River Falls on March 6, 1931 and won by a score of 100 to 96.Then the affirmative team traveled to Superior on April 10, 1931 to meet their negative team and suffered their first defeat of the year by a score of 100 to 97. The question of debate was: "Should compulsory unemployment insurance to which the employer shall contribute be adopted?"
Also found in 1931 Meletean: Leonard Madison, pages 40 and 170; Horace Merrill, pages 53 and 171; Raymond Penn, pages 55 and 170; Leslie Libakken, pages 100 and 170.