STO                                 I
tilong the narrow Canals of thefe exce~ffvely hard Bodies,
is well as through thofe of ILiants, which are much lefs
hard. See SHELL.
Some Stones, then, muli be allow'd to vegetate and grow
like wlants : But this is not all ; probably they are generated
in the fame Manner ; at ieait there are abundance of Stones,
whole Generation is inconceivable, without tuppofing they
tome from a kind of Seed, wnerein the organical Parts of
the Stones are wrapped up in little; as thofe of the largeft
Plants are in their Grains.
The Stones, cail d Cornn Ammonis, Lapis .udaicus,
i1froztes, thofe of Yi/dcgve and Florence, the feveral kinds
at Pyrites, Sea Muflhrooms, Cryilals of the Rck, and an
Infinity of other Stones, fuppole their feveral Seeds; as much
as Mufhroonis, Truffles, and various Kinds of Moffes, whofe
Seeds werenever yet dilcovered. See MNusnRooM, CRYSTAL,
How fhould the Cornu -Ammonis, which is conflantly in
Figure of a Vdlae be forti'd without a Seed, containing
that fame Strudure ln ittle ? Who moulded it fo artfully ?
And where are the Moulds? Far from this, thefe Kinds of
Stones are found in the Earth, like common Flints. Nor
were either Moulds or any thing like them, ever difcover'd.
See CORN U 4AMonis.
M. Touwefort examines the feveral Kinds of Stones above-
mentioned, and finds them under the fame Neceffity of Seed.
Again, that immenfe Quantity of Flints, wherewith the
Crau. of Aries is cover'd, is a frong Argument in behalf of
this Theory.
The Country there, for 2o Miles round, is full of roundifli
Flints; which are  kill found in equal abundance, to whatever
Depth you dig. M.    Pereifc, who  firf propofed the Gene-
ration of Sron;es by means of Seeds (though he took the
Word Seed in a very different Sezie from M. ournefort) firft
brought this extraordinary Campagne as a Proof thereof
In effed, how could lo many fimilar Flints be form'd ?
There is no laying they are coeval with the World, with-
out afferting at the fame time, That all the Stones in the
Earth were produced at once i which were to go diredkly con-
trary to the Oblervations above-mentioned.
Among th.. Seeds of Stones, M. 9ourncfort obferves, there
are fome, which don't only grow lott by the Juices of the
Earth, but even become liquid. Thefe, then, if tuLy penetrate
the Pores of certain Bodies, grow hard, petrify and affume
the Figure or Imprefilon of the Body : T hus what we call
5Peinites, Cionchiies, Mytutits, O/rrr'c i's, .Thzutil es, Ecbi-
nites, &c. are real Sioncs, the iquid Secds whereof have
infinuarted into the Cavities of the S'-,ells, cajl'd Pellen,
Cojnckja,  Alytuizis,  Ofhr1,  N