(   7 ~1

., a contagious Difeafe contra1ed by a poi-
rfually in Coition; and manifefiling itfelf
oains. See VENEREAL 2Jifeafe.
call it Mal de Naples, the Neapolita Difeafe,
4ferved among the Soldiery at the Siege of
!iarlesV II.s The Italians call it Maltran-
eFrenchl eDiftafe, becaufe firil caught by the
Spaniards call it Sarva das Indias, becaufe
om the Wejf-Indies.
s La-w, an AcS of Parliament made in Ire-
yVII. whereby all the Statutes of force in
nade of force in Ireland; which before that
now in force there, made in England fince
k its Name from Sir Edward Poyning, Lord
he time of its making.
, in Arithmetic, PRACTICA Italica, orIta-
ertain compendious ways of working the
ortion, or Golden Rule. See GOLDEN
hus call'd from their expediting of Fraclice,
and becaufe firfi introduced by 'the Mer-
gotiants of Italy. See RULE.
:ful of thefe Pratlices are as folloW:
Ufe of the Rule of Three is to find a fourth
3 three given Numbers i divide the firfil and
irfi and third by fome common Number, if
ie exaaly; and work with the Quotients in
is in the following Example.
It is 9 Shil. What's the Price of 7 It?
3                      3
Facit 21 Shil.

Price of i4 tb is 26 Shil. What's the Price of 7 tb?
7)  2.)-                          I
Facit 13 Shil.
20. If the firil Lerm be :, and the fecond an aliquot
part of a Pound, Shilling, or Penny; divide the third by
the aliquot Part: The Quotient is the Anfwer. Note, To
find the aliquot part; thofe who cannot do it otherwife,
may fee the Table of aliquot parts of a Pound under the
,E.gr. If I Ell cot IoShil. Whatcoff 957 Ells.
Facit i. 478: 10S.
3f. If the firfi or third Number be I i the other not ex-
ceeding large ; and the middle Term a Compound, i. e.
confilt of feveral Denominations; it may be wrought with-
out Reduction thus:
Price of I lb is 3 s. 8 d. 3 q. What's the price of 5 It?
Facit '8S. 7d. 3q.
For 4. Farthings making a Penny, 5 times 3 Farthings make
3 d.  q. and Izz Pence making I Shilling, five times eight
Pence make 3 S. 4 d. which with 3 d. from the place of
Farthings, make 3 S. 7 d. Laffly, five times 3 Shillings
makes 1 5 Shillings, and with the 3 Shillings from the place
of Pence, 18 S. The- price required  therefore is I8 s.
7 d. 3q-
e. if the middle Term be not an aliquot, but an ali-
quant part; refolve the aliquant part into its aliquot parts;
divide the middle Term by the feveral aliquots, the Sum
of the Quotients is the Anfwer. To find the aliquot parts
ccntain'd in an aliquant; fee the Table of aliquant parts of
a Poiund under the Article MULTIPLICATION.
For an Inflance of this Rule:
If I Ell coft x 5 Shil. What coil 124 E lls?
L              ')6z
4                31
Facit 93 1.
59. If the firfi, or fecond Term be I ; and in the for-
-mer cafe, the fecond, or third, in the latter the firfl, be
resolvable into Fadors ; the whole Operation may be per-
formed in the Mind without writing down any Figures: As
in the following Example.
Price of I b is 24 Shil. What is the price of 2s lb?
4                      4
Facit 4810 S.-241.
40. Where one of the given Numbers is Yr  we have
feveral compendious Ufages, to fave Multiplication, and
Divifion. E.gr.
If 9 Pounds cot} 20 s. What does X Pound coil?
'Tis obvious the Sum required is had by adding to the
tenth part of so S. viz. 2 s. the ninth part of that tenth,
YJZZ 3 d. a, and !-of a Penny; The Anfwer therefore is
as. 3 d. - and .


Again   If 5 tb coil 5& Shillings, What coils 1 fli
Since 5 is half of to, the double of the tenth part of tho
given pricei viz. Io s 9 d. t q. is the Sum required.
Again: If I lb cotl 8 d. What will 1i lbcot+?  X
Since x92.C-I i from the given price doubled, ttnd
iticreafed bya Cypher, v.Z. 360, fubflraa the fimple I8;
the Remainder is 342 di.  28 S. 6 A. the Sum required.
70. If two Terms of the fame Denomination differ by
an Unit, we have a peculiar kind of Compend i which
will be clear from the following Examples  E. gr. If 5
lb coil 30s S. What will 4 t col,
Since the price of 41lb is one fifth part fhort of that of
5 lb. divide the given price 30 by 5; the Quotient 6 being
fubflraded from the Dividend; the Remainder, viz. 24 S
is the Sum required.
Again: If 8 tl col 24 S. What coil 9 t1?
Since the price of 9 lb exceeds that of 8 by one eighth
part; divide the given Price 24 by8; and add the Quo-
tient 3 to the Dividend ; the Sum z7 is the Anfwer.
8f. Sometimes one may ufe feveral of thefe Compounds,
or Prraices in the fame Queflion. Egr. If loo lb colt
30S. 4 d. What cofls 5o t ?
50)2. 2-    -
Facit I 5 s. 2 d.
Again: 6o lI cOil 4 S. What coils 2520?
6                42



PRAE, a Latin Prepofition, literally' fignifying before;
ufed in Compofition, with feveral Words in our Language,
to denote the relation of Priority. See PREPOSITION and
Of late, our Writers, in Words thoroughly anglicized,
for pre ufually write pre, refiraining the Latin Orthogra-
phy to Words that are flill Latin. Hence, for
PR.1ECIPE,                | PRECIPE.
TION,             I     I
PREDESTINA-         >See