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ADEMPTION, ADEMPTIO, in the Civi Law, the Re-
vocation of a Grant, Donation, or the like.
The Ademption of a Legacy, may be either Exrefs; as
when the Tefiator declares in form, that he revokes what
he had bequeathed: Or liacit, as when he only revokes
it indirealy, or implicitly.
ADE PS, in Anatomy, a Species of Fat, found in the Ca-
vities of the Abdomen. See FAT.
The Adeps differs from the common Fat, called Pingue-
do; in that it is thicker, harder, and of a more earthy Sub-
fiance. See. PINGUEI;O.
The Adeps is much the fame with what we call Sevm,
Suet, or Leaf. See SEVUM.
ADEPS is alfo ufed by the Phyficians, as a general Name
for Fat of either Kind.
The Adeps Anferis, Goofe's Fat; 4deps Canis, Fat of a
Dog; Adeps Hominis, Fat of a Man; Adeps Vdeerce, Vi-
pers Fat ; and Adeps Urfi, Bears Fat, are all ufed in Medi-
cine, in quality of Ripeners, or Drawers; as being of a pe-
netrating Nature, and thereby fuited to diffolve and rarify
the Tumors, and bring 'em as it were to Maturity. See
The fpecific Virtues afcribed to certain of 'em, do not
feem well warranted. See FAT, VIPER, SC.
ADEPTS, ADEPTI, a Denomination given to the Profi-
cients in Alchymy; particularly thofe who pretend to the
Secrets of the Philofopher's Stone, and the Univerfal Medi-
Ripley, Lully, fParacelfus, Helmont, Hollandus, Centivoglio,
&c. are the Principal among the Adepti. See CHYMISTRY.
The Word is Latin, Adeptus, form'd of the Verb adipif-
cor, I obtain.
'Tis a fort of Tradition among the Alchymi fs, that there
are always twelve Adepti; and that their Places are imme-
diately fupplied by others, whenever it pleafes any of the
Fraternity to die, or tranfmigrate into fome other Place,
where he may make ufe of his Gold; for that in this wick-
ed World it will fcarce purchafe 'em a Shirt. - arris.
ADEQUATE, ADJEQUATUM, Something equal to, or co-
-extended with, another; and filling the whole Meafure
and Capacity thereof. See EQUALITY.
In this Senfe, the Word flands oppofed to Inadequate.
ADEQUATE Ideas, or Notions, are fuch Images or Con-
ceptions of an Objed, as perfelly reprefent it, or anfwer
to all the Parts and Properties of it. See IDEA.
M. Leib'nitz defines an Adequate Notion, to be that of
whofe feveral Chara6ters we have difftin& Ideas.-Thus, a Cir-
cle being defined a Figure bounded by a Curve Line which re-
turns into it felf, and whofe Points are all equally difiant from
a certain intermediate Point therein: Our Notion of a Circle is
adequate, if we have dif'tin& Ideas of all thefe Circumfian-
tes, viz. a Curve returning upon it felf, a middle Point, an
Equality of Diflance, &c. See NOTION, DEFINITION, S  C.
All Simple Ideas are adequate and perfe&  and the Fa-
culty, be it what it will, that excites them, reprefents them
entire. See SIMPLE Idea.
The Ideas of Modes are likewife adequate, or perfea&
except of thofe Modes which occafionally become Subian-
ces: for when we fpeak of Modes Separately exifling, we
only confider them feparate from the Subilance by way ol
Ablradfion. See MODE, ACCIDENT, EC.
All Abflra& Ideas are alfo adequate and perfe& ; fince
they reprefent all that Part'of the Subijet which we then
confider.-Thus, the Idea of Roundners is perfe&, or ade
qFate, becaufe it offers to the Mind all that is in Roundnefs,
in general. See ABSTRACT.
Of the fam e Kind are all Ideas, of which we know no
Original or external Objea really exifling out of them; by
occafion of which they were excited in us, and of which we
think them the Images.-Thus, when a Dog is before us, it
is the external Objea without us which raifes the Idea in
our Mind; but the Idea of an Animal in general,   has nc
external Objce& to excite it: 'tis created by the Mind it felf
and mufi of Neceffity be adequate, or perfea.  See AB.
On the contrary, the Ideas of all SublIances are inadequate
and imperfe&, which are not form'd at the Pleafure of the
Mind, but gathcr'd from certain Properties, which Experi-
ene ddicovers in them. See SUBSTANCE.
This is evident, in regard our Knowledge of Subilances is
very defelive; and that we are only acquainted with fome
of their Properties: Thus, we know that Silver is whiter
that it is a alleable, that it melts, T fc. but we do not know
what further Properties it may have; and are wholly igno-
rant of the inward Texture of the Particles whereof it con.
fi[ts.-Our Idea of Silver therefore, not reprefenting to the
Mind all the Properties of Silver, is inadequate and im,
ADESSENAR1I, a Se& in Religion, who hoid that Je
fus Chrifi is really prefent in the Euchariffi; but in a man

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ner dilrent froth what the Romanifls hold. See tifdii*.-
The A4de/fenarii, call'd alfo Impanatores, are divided ihi
to four di ferent Opinions touching the Point.-Some hold
that the Body of Jefus Chrift is in the Bread ; others, that
It is about the Bread ; others, that it is with the Bread '
and laflly, others, that it is under the Bread. See IMPANA-
The Name Adejfenarii was firfi framed by Prateolus,
from the Latin Verb adeffe, to be prefent.
ADHESION, ADHERENCE, in Phyficks, the State of
two Bodies which are join'd or faften'd to each other, either
by the mutual Interpofition of their own Parts; or the Crom-
preffion of external Bodies. See COHESION, and NEXUS.
The Word is compounded of the Latin ad, and hbreoa I
flick or cleave to.
Anatornifis Sometimes obferve Adheflons of the Lungs td
the Sides of the Thorax, the Pleura, and Diaphragmaj
which give occafion to various Diforders. See LUNGS, PLEU-
The Aadhefion of two polifh'd Planes, or two Hemifpheres,
is a Phpnomenon urg'd in behalf of the Weight and Pref-
fure of the Atmofphere. See ATMOSPHERE.
The Schoolmen diflinguifh two Kinds of Certitude: the
one of Speculation, which arifes from the Evidence of the
Thing; and the other of Adheflon, which has nothing
to do with Evidence, but arifes purely from the Importance
of the Matter, and the Interefi we have in its Truth. See
ADJACENTl or ADJOINING, fomething contiguous, of
fituate near another. See CONTIGUOUS.
The Word is compounded of ad, to, and jacere, to lie.
a Name given in the XVlth Century to the moderate
Lutherans, who adher'd to the Sentiments of Melantlon;
and afterwards to thoie who fubfcrib'd the Interim of
Charles V. See LUThiERAN.
The fame Name might alfo be applied to thofe now called
IndifferentiJis. See INDIFFERENTIST.
The Word is originally Greek, a~qocP, indifferent.
ADIAPHOROUS, ADIAPHoRus, q. d. Indifferent, or
Neutral; a Name given by Mr. Boj*le to a Kind of Spi-
rit diftill'd from Tartar and fome other Vegetable Bodies;
and which is neither Acid, Vinous, nor Urinous ; but itt
many refpeds diffi rent from any other fort of Spirit. See
SPIR IT; fee alfo NEUTRAL.
mar, a Kind of Noun joined with a Noun Subfiantive ei-
ther exprefs'd or underilood, to lhew its manner of be-
ing, that is, its Q ualities or Accidents. See NOUN, SC.
The Word is form'd of the Latin adjicere, to add to; as
being to be added to a Subftantive, without which it has no
precife Signification at all.
Father Ruffler defines 4diccaive in a new manner, and
fets it in a Light different from that of other Gram mari-
ans.-Nouns, according to him, are Subfiantives, when
the Objeds which they represent are confider'd fim ply, and
in themfelves, without any regard to their Qualities : On
the contrary, they are .4djecdives, when they exprefs the
Quality of an Objed. See QUALITY.
Thus, when I fay fim ply, a Heart; the Word Heart is a
Subfiantive, becaufe none of its Qualities are exprefs'd;
but when I fay a generous Heart, the Word generous is an
A4djeffive;   becaufe it adds a Quality or Attribute to the
Ad djetives, then, feem to be nothing elfe but Modifca-
tives.-In efl~e&, the End of an Adjeti've being only to cx-
prefs the Qualities of an Objed ;   if that Quality be the
Objea it felf whereof we fpeak, it becomes a Subflantive
e.g. If I fay, this 2ock isgood ; good, here, is an Adjetive:
But if I fay, Good is always to be chofen, 'tis evident Good
is the Subjec } I fpeak of; and confequently, Good there is a
On the contrary, it often happens in other Languages;
and fometimes in our own, that a Subilantive becomes an
A4djeftive; as for infiance, in thefe Words, the King, Hero
as he is, remembers he is a Man: Where the Word Hero,
tho ordinarily a Subfiantive, is yet apparently an A4dje~tive.
From this new Idea of an Adjeffive, it appears that many
of the Nouns which, in the common Grammars, are ac-
counted Subtlantives are really Adjeftives, and vice verfa;
Grammar, in this and a thoufand other Inflances depending
upon Cuffom. See SUBSTANTIVE,
AD Inquirendum, a Writ judicial, commanding Inquiry
to be made oa ann thing touching a Caufe depending in the
King's Court, for the better Execution of Juffice  a is of Ba-
- fcardy, and fuch like. See WRIT.
ADJOINING, ADJUNCTIO, in Philofophy, Se. Se
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