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The 4th Letter of the Alphabet, and the 3d
-Cnfonant.  Grammarians generally rank it
among the Lingual Letters, as fuppofing the
Tonge to have the principal Share in the
:iation thereof: Tho' the Abbot de Dangeau
o have Reafon in making it a palatal Letter.
Letter D is the 4th in the Hebrew, Chaldee,
ran, Syriac, Greek and Latin Alphabets; in the
of which Languages it has the fame Name,
newhat differently 1poke, e.gr. inHebre'iv and
e Daleth, in Syriac Dolath, and in Greek Delta.
rabians have three D's in their Language, the ill
)al, which is the 8th of their 28 Letters; the zd,
Whfal, is only ditkinguifh'd from the former by
a Point added over it; tho' its Sound is confound-
i that of the Z: The 3d, which is their x7th
is calld 2Da, and pronounced like our D, tho' in
refembles the Arabic Xa, all it differs in, be-
)int added a-top.
Form of our D, is the fame with that of the
as appears from all the ancient Medals and In-
s. Ana the Latin D, is no other than the Greek
ded a little, by making it quicker, and at two
The A of the Greeks, again, is borrow'd from
intCharaqer of the HebrewIZaleth; which Form
etains on the Samaritan Medals, as is thewn by
tite Souciet in his Differtation on the Samaritan
All the Alteration the Greeks have made in it,
iaking it floop a little, and taking away a little
Nor wou'd it be difficult to Ihew, that the Syriac
and the Arabic 5Dal, are both borrow'd from the
Hebrew, as well as the 47 Daleth of the Modern or
He brew.
1 X __ :1 Lo   I --      -  ---

some indeed will nave it,tliat the(ireek A YJeta is bor-
iow'd from the Egyptians, who made their D of three
Stars difpos'd in a lnriangle; which was a Hieroglyphic
that among them denoted God, the foveraign Being, as if
they had had fome Notion of a Trinity: But this is but
'poorly fupported.
0. D is alfi a Numeral Letter, fignifying Five Hundredi
Wvhich arifes hence, that in the Gothic Ch araders the D is
half the M, which fignifies a thoufand - Hence the Verfe
Littera D ve/ut A   zgentosignoficabit.
A Dao   added a-top, D, denotes it to fland for Five
DABITIS, in Logic, one of the Modes of Syllogifm.
*See Mode and SYLLOGISM.
DACROIDES. in Medicine. a Term applied to IT1-

which are continually yielding any putrid Matter.
ord is form'd from Ju'cwtop, Tear, andX.'jos, Form;
ig the Ulcers toweep or fhed fomewhat like Tears.
'TYLI, in Antiquity, a Name attributed to the
iefts of the Gotfde s Cybele; who were particu-
all'd iDafvIi Idfi, on Account of the Goddefs her-
ho was call'd Cybele Idea, becaufe principally ho-
on Mount Ida in Phrygia. The Name Dadyli
aos'd to have been given them on this Occafion
o prevent Saturn from hearing the Cries of 7upiter,
Cybele had committed to their Cuflody, they
o iing I know not what Verfes of their own Inven-
hich by their unequal Meafures feem'd to refemble
ot call'd Dalylos. This is the Account of the
narian Diomedes. One Sophocles, quoted byStra-
b. X. fpeaks differently. They were call'dDadyli,
e, from the Greek Word J\6KTvAO;, Finger, by Reafon
Number was at firfi equal to that of the Fingers of
and, viz. Ten; five of them Boys, and as many
-He adds, that 'tis to them we owe the Invention
and the Manner of Working it, with divers other
Things. Others make their Number more, and
lefs than Ten. Some, again, make them Natives
ygia near the Foot of Mount Ida 5 and others bring
from elfewhere.
vever, all the AuthorsStrabo had feen, agreed, That
,ere the firl* who wrought in Iron near Mount Ida;
hey were Impoffors - that theg had been Miniflers
Mother of the Gods, or Cybefi; that they dwelt
Foot of Mount Ida.   'Tis a Conjeaure among
:oo, not that the Curetes and Corybantes were the
with the Dvaiy/ ]dtei, but that the Curetes and
Antes were their Pofierity; That a hundred Men,
I Creta, were firmi call'd Daylyi; that each of thefe
ne Children, who were the Curetes; and that each
Curetes had Ten Children, who were alfo call'd
!l? Idei. Strabo only gives us the Names of four

Yk l't111 which are N, Lana ni'is. 7Jampan   clrcmies.

amon. See CORYBANT Es.
WCTYL, Daiy/us, a Foot in the Latin Verfe, con-
of a long Syllabje, follow'd by two fhort ones, as

CarmSne? &c. HexameterVerfes ufually end with fta6d
and Spondee. The Dalyl is faid to have been the
vention of ionyis orlacchus, who ddiver'd Oracles in
this Meafure at e1phos, before 4polio. The fDalyl and
Spondee are the mall confiderable of the Poetical Feet; as
being the Meafures us'd in Heroic Verfe, by Homer, Vir-
gl7, &c. Thefe two are of equal Time, but not equal
Motion. The Spondee has an even firong and Ready 5ace
like a Trot: But the fDatlyl refembles the nimbler
Strokes of a Gallop. See QUANTITY, MEASURE, WC.
DACTYL was alfo a Sort of Dance among the ancient
Greeks, chiefly perform'd, as Hefychius obferies, by the
DACTYLS are alfo the Fruits of the Tree, more ufually
call'd Dates. See DATE.
DACTYLIC, Something belonging or that has a
Relation to Dadiyls: Anciently there were Da-
/ic, as well as Spondaic Flutes, I'ible Daly/ice.
The Daiylic Flutes confified of unequal Intervals,
as the Dacfy/ic Foot does of unequalMeafures..Dailyliq
Verfes arc Hexameter Verfes, ending in a Dailyl, inflead
of a Spondee; A~s Spondaic Verfes are thofe, which have
a Spondee in the 5th Foot inflead of a Daiy!. An In-
fiance of abS~ailylVerfe we have inVirgi1,EEneidl.VII. 3;.
2iis SPatrite cecidere Manus: ku6in Protiazis omnia
Per/egerent Oculis. -
DACTYLIOMANCY, Dailyliomantia, a Sort of Di-
vination perform'd by means of a Ring. DIady/'omnancy
confified principally in holding a Ring, fufpended by a
fine Thread, over a round Table, on the Edge whereof
were made divers Marks with the 24 Letters of the
Alphabet. The Ring in fhaking, or vibrating over the
Table, flop'd over certain of the Letters, which being
joyn'd together, compos'd the Anfwer required. But the
Operation was preceded and accompanied by feveral Su-
perfilitious Ceremonies: For firft the Ring was to be confe-
crated with a World ofMyflery; thePerfon who held it was
to be clad in linnen Garments, to the very Shoes; his
Head was to be 1haved all around; and in his Hand he
was to hold Vervain. Ere he proceeded on any Thing,
the Gods were firfi to be appeased by a Formulary ofPray-
ers, &c. compiled for the Purpofe. Ammianus Marce/li-
nus gives the Procefs at large in his XXIXth Book. The
Word is compos'd of the Greek J\CxTvAtof, Ring; of Jlmk
,ruAoS, Finger, and parToSy Divination.
DACTYLONOMY, The Art of Accounting, orNum-
bering by the Fingers. The Rule is this: The left Thumb
is reckond I, the Index 2, and fo on to the right Thumb,
which is the tenth, and of Confequence denoted by the
Cypher o.
DADO, in Architeaure, is by fome Writers ufed for the
Dye; which is the Part in the Middle of the Pedellal of
a Column, between its Bafe and Cornice: It is of a Cu-
bick Form, whence the Name of Dye. See DYE.
DADUCHI, in Antiquity, Priefls of Ceres. That
Goddefs having loll her Daughter Proferpine, fay the Fa-
bles, began to make Search for her at the Beginnincy of the
Night. In Order to do this in the Dark, Ike lighted a
Torch, and thus fet forth on her Travels throughout the
World: For which Reafon it is, that 1he is always feen.
reprefented with a lighted Torch in her Hand. On thi&
Account, and in Commemoration of this pretended Ex-
ploit, it became a Ciuom for the Priells, at the Feafts and
Sacrifices of this Goddefs, to run about, in the Temple,
with Torches after this Manner: One of them took a light-
ed Torch from offthe Altar, and holding it in his Hand,.
run with it to a certain Part of the Temple ; where he
gave it to another, faying to him, 7Tibi trado: This fe-
cond run after the like Manner to another Place of the
Temple, and gave it to the third; and fo of the retl.
From this Ceremony, the Prieffs became denominated
Daduchi, q. d. Torch-bearers; from J.รจ, an unatuous,
and refinous Wood, as Pine, fir, &c. whereof the Ancient&
made Torches; and IXX I have, I holds
DAILY, in Afironomy, &c. See D1uRjqAt.
DAMAGE is generally taken to fignify any Hurt or
Hindrance, that a Man takes in his Eflate ; but particu-
larly a Part of what the Jurors are to inquire of, in eafing
Verdid for the PlaintifFor Defendant in a Civil A&ion, be
itPerfonal orReal: for after Verdia given ofthe principal
Caufe, they are ask'd their Confciences touching Coils
(which are the Charges of Suit, called by the Civilians.
Expefe Litis) andDamages, which contain the Hin-
drances that the Plaintiff or Demandant hath fugered by
means of the wrong done him by theDefeadant orTelnUi
But the Word has two feveral Significations; the one pro-
perly and generally, the other ilridly and relatively: Pro-
lerly, as it is in Cafes, where Damages are fouided on
the Statute pf Z, II/.4. Cap. I. and 8 JI  Cap, Q. where
*  A           ~~~coLa
