CT 0 I

( gL48 )

Imdginary AMoey, or Money of AccoNpt, is that which
has no Exiflence in real Species ; but is rather a Sum of fe.
veral Species, invented or retain'd to facilitate Accompts, by
keeping them on a fix'd footing, not to be chang'd like the
current Goins, which the Sovereign Power either raifes or
lowers at pleafure, according to the Occafions of the State.
Of this Kind, among us, are Pounds, Nobles, Marks, Eec.
among the French, Livres, Lec. See POUND, LxvnRE, tec.
For the feveral Imaginary Monies ufed in the feveral Parts
bf Europe, &c. with their Proportions and Reduffions, fee
Real, or Effeclive Money, is that which has an aaual
Exiflerice, in real Species of Gold, Silver, &c. See SP Eci ES.
Such are, among us, Shillings, Guineas, &c. the Lift of
which, ufed in the feveral Parts of the Worldi with their
Reduaions, are as follows.
Modern COINS, or current Species of Europe, Afia,
Africa, and America.
All the current Species in the four Quarters of the Earth,
at this Day, are either made of Metals, or are Shells and
The Metals are Gold, Silver, Copper, Tin, and Lead; to
which may be added Billon, a mixture of Silver and Cop-
per in a certain proportion.
In Europe, none are ufed befide Gold, Silver, Copper, and
Billon. In foome part of the Eajt Indies, they likewife ufe
Tin and Lead: As to Shells and Fruits, they are the fmall
Money of feveral Nations in Afla, Africa, and America.
2Britib COINS.
In England, the current Species of Gold, are the Gui-
nea, Half Guinea, Jacobus, Taureat, Angel, and Rofe-No-
ble: the four lafi of which are now feldom met with, hav-
ing been mofi of them converted into Guineas, chiefly
during the Reigns of Charles II. and 7ames II. See GOLD.
The Silver Coins are the Crown, Half Crown, Shillings and
Sixpences. See SILVER.
Copper Coins are Halfpennies and Farthings. See COPPER.
Value and Proportions of the Englilh COINS.

1 2
The Ja
The C
or La

or Piece.

In Scotland, by the Articles of the Union, 'tis appointed,
that all the Coins be reduced to the Eizglijh, and the fame
Accompts obferv'd throughout.  Till then, the Scots had
their Pounds, Shillings, and Pence, as in England; but their
Pound was but twenty Pence Eng ibh, and the others in Pro-
portion: Accordingly, their Mark was 13T- S. Scotch, current
in England at 31 J - d. their Noble in proportion.
Befide thefe, they had their 7T'urnoner Pence and Half-
pence; their Penny $ of that of England: befides bafe
Money of Achifons, Babees, and Placks. The Bodle, g of
the Pence, .4 of the Achifon,  of the Babee, and i of the
In Ireland, the Coins are as in England, viz. Shillings,
Pence, Uec. with this difference, that their Shilling, or Har-
per, is but equal to nine Pence Sterling; whence their Pound
is only 4 of ours, or 1 5 S.
French COINS.
The only Gold Coin now current in France, is the Lewi-
dore, or Louis d'Or, with its Divifions, which are 2 and a;
and its Multiples, which are the double and quadruple Louis.
Till the Year 1700, they had Gold Lys, and Ecus, or
Crowns; but they are now no more.
The Silver Coins are the Ecus, Crowns, or white Louis's,
vith their Diminutions, viz ; and a; and Pieces of ten Sols,
and of fix. See SOL, and CROWN.
The Billon Coins are of two Kinds, each called Sols; fome
of I 5 Deniers, others 2Zr. To thefe may be added the De-
niers current in the Lionnois, Provence, Dauphine, and
other Parts.
Lailly, the Copper Coin is the Liard, equal to three De-
niers; and is ordinarily called the Double.
Their general Value is as in the following Table: For Par.
ticulars, fee the particular Heads.


IDenier, eqtial tb , of a Farthing 1
2 Double.
3  IT Liart.
[ 6    4 Sol Parislis equal to
74: t2::  120 gLivre, Ace.
720 360 24 46o I _cs C    rwn
Y'he Louis d'Or, or French Piflole,
IO Livres, but has fince rifen asI
us 'tis valued at I 6s. Sterling.

Spani/J COINS.

In Spain, and the States depending
Coin is the Piflole; above which is the I
Piece of four Piffoles; and under it the
which mufl be added the Caffillans of Gc
The Silver Money are the Piafire,
Reals, and its Diminutions; as alfo the fir
Diminution. See REAL.
The Copper Coins are the Ochavos, or C
of two Kinds, the one equal to four Mar,
rily call'd Quarta; the other double this,
Quarta laftly, the Maravedis. See MAF
It muft be obferv'd, that in Spain they ha
old. The old, current in evil, Cadix, JA
other Places, is worth 25 perCent. more t
rent at Madrid, !Bilboa, St. Sebaflian, &
old, is equal to l1 25 Pounds new. This
to their Zing Charles 11. who in i688, t(
port of Money abroad, rais'd it 2 5 per C
ver, he was only able to efefe& in part; fe,
retaining the antient Rate.
Value of the Spanilh Covi
Maravedis old, fomewhat above-A of a Pa
4 Quarta.
8   z 0._avo, or double Quakta.
64  34 42± Real, old Plata, equal to
51O 68 34   8 )Pieces of Eight, or Pi,
048 2 7 ZI 3 6 32I 4 Yiflole,
TPortziguefe COINS.

Thofe of Gold are the Milleray, or St.
Moeda d'Oro, or, as we call it, the Moidore
their Pidole: above this are Doppio A
Pifloles; and quadruple Species equal to
MoioR E.
Their Silver Coins are the Cruzada; I
Eight; and the Vintain, whereof they I
one Silver, and the other Billon.
The Res is of Copper, which ferves 'e
the Maravedis does the Spaniards.

Res, or Re, equal to 1 of a Parthing f
zo Vintain.
400  ±o jCruzada.
r0o0    :4 Mi moeda,or Half Pifiole,
2000 1001 5    Moeda d'Oro, or Pifio
4000 2001 TO   Iz Doppio Moeda, or dot
-o      0 -   5 I 6  z o
10000 500i ±5 106 z'!Ducat offine G

fDutch COINS.

Thofe of Silver are Crowns, or Dollart
rips, and Efchalins, each whereof has its:
Stiver, or common Shilling, is of Billon
Penny of Coppper.
I 1 tDuyt.
6   4 Gros.
1    Y  2 Stuyver, or Shilling comir
72 48 12 6     Scalin, or Shilling grol
2 36 i6o 40  0   3 ' IFlorin, or Guildet
7081480 I o  6o xo  3 lDoller, orDuca
FlemiJb COINS.
Thofe of Gold are Imperials, Rides, o
and Crowns.
Thofe of Silver are Philips, Rixdolla
lines, and Gulden: And thofe of Copper,

l. S.

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Z : 14: 0


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