PYL                          (919)                       PyR
that the Solids do not vibrate fufficiently to keep the Fluids and the Appulfe
of the Chyle. See ]xGEslrxoN, CUULI-
in their due Velocity.                               FICATION, &C.
In thefe Cafes the Pulfe is low, and the Flefh cooler than  At the bottom
of the Pylorus, is a large Cavity, which
natural at firfi.                                   Willis calls the A~ntrum
Pylori, and conceives its Ufe toi
PUTTY, a Term ufed for Powder of calcined Tin. See be, to keep the Food firfi
digetAed, till the litter taken
TIPNC                                               into the Stomach be digefled;
tho', if what Wharton ob-
PLJTURA, a Cuflom claim'd by the Keepers of Forefis, ferves be true, viz,
that there are La&eals in the bottom
gAd fornetimes Bailiffs of Hundreds, to take Man's Meat, of the Stomach,
fuch a Provifion mhould feem unneceiTary.
Horfe's Meat, and Dog's Meat, of the Tenants and Inha- See LACTEAL.
.1bitants gratis, within the Perambulation of the Forefl,  The Word is derived
from the Greek e#vweyc, Yanitor,
Hupndred, &C. See PURLI EU, PERAMBULATION, Eec.      Door-keeper.
This Cuftom within the Liberty of Knaresburg was long  PYRAMID, in Geometry,
a Solid flanding on a fquare
fince turned into the Payment of four Pencepro Putura.  Bafis, and terminating,
a-top, in a Point: Ora Body whofe
The Land fubjeff to this Service, is call'd herra Putu- Bafe is a Polygon,
and whofe Sides are plain Triangles;
>>rata. The learned Somner erred in his Expofition of this their feveral
Tops meeting together in one Point. See
Wjord-5Uohannes clamat unam Puturam in prioratu de SOLID.
MJ enevoftham, qui eft quondam Cella Abbatie de Evejham  Euclid defines it
a folid Figure, confiding of feveral
< pro fe @ Minifiris, Equis b Garcionibus fuis per unum  Triangles;whofe
Bafes are all in the fame Plane, and have
dTiem g duas noaes de trilusSeptimanis in tres Septimanas, one common Vertex.
viz. de vi ualibus, ut in efculentis U poculentis, ad Coftas  Wolfius defines
it a Solid, bounded by as many Trian-
prioratus prediW  indebite-   Placit. apud Prefion. I 7 gles, A D C, D C
B, and A'D B, terminating in one Point,
Edv. 3.                                             D; as the Bafe ABC, has
Sides. (Tab. GEOMETRY,
PYANEPSIA, in Antiquity, a Fead celebrated by the fig. 78.)
Athenians in the Month Pyanepfion; which, according to  The Pyramid is faid
to be 7'riangular, _Ouadraneular,
the generality of the Critics, was their fourth Month, and  &iinquangular,
ec. as the Bafe is triangular, quadran-
correfponded to our September. See FEAST.           gular, Uc.-ThePyramid
may be call'd a fquare,triangular,
Plutarch refers the Inflitution of this Feaft to Thefeus i Uec. Cone; or
the Cone, a round Pyramid. See CoNE.
who, at his Arrival from Crete, made a kind of Sacrifice to