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firuck with a Thunderbolt, was call'd Aidental. This was
not allow'd to be walk'd over; but was encompafs'd with
a Wall, or Pallifade, and an Altar ereded over it; whence
alfo the Priefts, who officiated at it to perform the prefcri-
bed Expiation, took the Name Bidentales.
BIGA, a Chariot drawn by two Horfes. The Sigh and
,Qztadrige were the Chariots that run in the Lift. The
2itgtr are of a very antient ftanding: all the Heroes in Ho-
wer, HIefiod, Virgil, &c. fought in 'em. Hence Bigats,
or Begats, a kind of Coin whereon was reprefented Viao-
ry drawn in a Chariot by two Horfes. Many of the an-
tient Medals call'd Confeilar, are Bigats. The Word comes
from the Latin Bijuga, of bis and jugum, double Yoke.
BIGAMY, a double Marriage, or the poffefling of two
Wives at the fame time. Among the antient Romans,
thofe conviaed of Bigamy were branded with a Note of
Ignominy; and in France, were antiently punifh'd with
Bi aMY, in the Canon Law, is where a Perfon has ef-
pous'd two Women fucceffively, or fimply, efpous'd a Wi-
dow: Each of which the CanoniJls account Impediments
to be a Clerk, or to hold a Bilhoprick without a Difpenfa-
tion. This Point of Difeipline they found on that of St.