Wisconsin Beekeeping 
Vol. VII 
OCTOBER, 1930 
No. 10 
                               H. F. WILSON, Editor 
                           Published the First of Each Month 
Entered as second class matter January 1, 1928 at the Post Office at Madison,
Wisconsin, under 
                              the act of March 3, 1879. 
            Address all communications to 1532 University Ave., Madison,
                     Advertising rates given on application to Editor. 
President ..........................................................................................................................
A .  H .  Seefeldt,  K ewaskum 
Vice-President ....................................................................................................................
G eo.  Jacobson,  K aukauna 
Treasurer ...............................................................................................................................
F.  E.  M atzke,  Juda 
Secretary  ................................................................................................................................
H .  F .  W ilson,  M adison 
Assistant   Secretary  ......................................................................................................
A rlene  W eidenkopf,  M adison 
                             EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 
G. J. Lengst............ ...............................................
Prairie du Chien 
E dw .  H assinger,   Jr .....................................................................................................................................
G reenville 
C . A .  W ood  ............................................................................................................................................
South  W ayne 
           Annual membership fee, $1.00, which includes one year's subscription
                               "Wisconsin Beekeeping" 
                       Please make remittance payable to Secretary 
Sept. 12, 189-Sept. 16, 1930 
   We are very sorry indeed to an- 
nounce the death of L. T. Bishop, 75, 
of Sheboygan. Wisconsin. Mr. Bish- 
op had been in very poor health for 
several months, and died at noon on 
Tuesday, Sept. 16, at the home of his 
daughter, Mrs. Jerry Donohue. 
   Mr. Bishop was the first city clerk 
of Plymouth, Wis.; he was elected 
clerk of the court in 18893, and served 
in this capacity two terms. He was a 
member of the Hub Club in Plymouth 
and was responsible for founding the 
library there. He was born Sept. 12, 
185'5, on a farm near Plymouth, and 
his early life was spent there. He later 
moved to Sheboygan, where he con- 
ducted a stationery and bookbinding 
business for many years. Mr. Bishop 
left this business to devote his full time 
to his apiary near Greendale, where he 
was active up to the time of his illness. 
Many of our members have visited Mr. 
Bishop in his beeyard, which has been 
called "the finest apiary site in Wis- 
consin,"I located in a forest garden, 
where he enjoyed solitude only a quar- 
ter of a mile from the main highway 
and only a few miles from Sheboygan. 
   Mr. Bishop was elected Vice Presi- 
dent of the State Association in De- 
cember of 1923.      He held this office 
during 1924 and 1925, and was elect- 
ed President of the Association at the 
annual convention     in December of