proprietor until 1920, though in 1918 he was in Washington, D. C., in government
employ in the chemical divisions. After the signing of the armistice he returned
to Wood County and in May, 1919, incorporated the Reichert Chemical Manu-
facturing Co., with himself as president and manager, F. G. Lundy as vice
dent, H. G. Hambright, treasurer and F. W. Fornefelt, secretary. The factory
and plant, consisting of a good set of buildings, is located at 1306 South
Avenue, and the concern is profitably engaged in the manufacture of polishes,
cleaners and similar compounds, their goods being known as the " Everite
Mr. Reichert is a member of the Knights of Pythias order, belonging to Lodge
186 of Chicago, also to the Million and Ten Week Club of Chicago, and to
United Commercial Travelers and the E. F. U. of Marshfield. He is politically
aRepublican. Though not now a member of any church, he was reared as a
German Lutheran.
   Thomas D. Spalding, vice president and cashier of the American National
Bank of Marshfield, was born in Oshkosh, Wis., Nov. 5, 1886, son of Tom and
(Monnahan) Spalding. The father was born in Lockport, N. Y., in 1845, and
mother in Oshkosh, Wis., in which latter place they were married in 1882.
former is now deceased, having passed away at Oshkosh June 15, 1899, and
wife who survived him, is now a resident of Marshfield. They had seven children:
William, who is deceased; Mary, deceased; Thomas D., of Marshfield; Marie,
Mrs. J. C. Casey, of Oshkosh; Florence, who is living with her mother in
field and is a teacher in the School for the Deaf; Bernard, deceased; and
James P.,
of Marshfield, who is assistant sales manager for the Roddis Veneer Company.
Thomas D. Spalding was educated in the graded school and Junior High School
of Oshkosh. He then entered the Commercial National Bank of that city, where
he was employed from 1901 to July 15, 1911, when he came to Marshfield and
his present position with the American National Bank. Mr. Spalding was married
July 28, 1913, to Helen Flannagan, of Beaver Dam, Wis., who was born at Mari-
nette, Wis., Jan. 19, 1893, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Flannagan. Of
union four children have been born: Thomas L., Dec. 10, 1915; Marie K., Aug.
22, 1917; William J., Aug. 20, 1919; David P., March 19, 1921. Mr. Spalding
his family are Catholics in religion, he being the secretary and treasurer
of Sacred
Heart parish. He also belongs to several societies more or less closely connected
with the church, and one or two others, including the Knights of Columbus,
Catholic Order of Foresters, the Eagles and the Benevolent and Protective
of Elks. In politics he is independent, and though he has held no political
he has as a public spirited citizen, taken an active interest, and sometimes
a direct
part, in promoting movements for the general welfare of the community, and
not begrudged his time or money whenever any worthy object was to be achieved.
In both church and society work he has been rather an active than a passive
ber, realizing in full measure the necessity and dignity of service.
   William H. Budge, M. D., a retired physician residing in Marshfield, and
has also been a successful business man, was born in Cornwall, England, Nov.
1841, son of John Burden and Jane (Prout) Budge. The father was born in Janu-
ary, 1808, and the mother on May 27, 1809. It was in the spring of 1845 that
family came to America, settling in Eagle Township, Waukesha County, Wis.,
where John B. Budge worked at his trade of blacksmith. In 1853 he moved with