boys have in this way been helped directly in the immediate problems of the
and a few have been pointed the way to higher institutions.
   "The County School building is a busy hive of industry during the
school year.
In it are to be found all of the county educational activities. The offices
of the
county superintendent of schools, the county agent and the county nurse are
located here, thereby saving a large amount of money and time in stenographers'
service, office expenses, etc. No other county in Wisconsin is so thoroughly
ganized in all its educational activities. This is the unanimous verdict
who visit Wood County. One continuous board of education has made this de-
velopment possible. Mr. E. P. Arpin of Wisconsin Rapids, and former Lieutenant
Governor W. D. Connor, of Marshfield, have been on the board from the beginning,
and with them have been associated successively Robert Morris, the late Geo.
Varney and Miss Ruth C. Bennett, who have been members ex-officio when ad-
ministering the office of county superintendent of schools.
   "The expenses of the schools are borne by the state and county, the
state bear-
ing nearly all the expenditures for the salaries of teachers. At present
the com-
bined faculties of the two schools, in addition to Mr. Jackson and Mr. Corey,
Lillian MacDirmid, Margaret Breene, G. F. Porter, A. N. Howalt, and one to
elected to take the place of Miss Agnes Breene who has recently resigned
to finish
her course in physical training at the University of Wisconsin. After June,
the courses of study are to include a four-year course for eighth-grade graduates
a three-year and a two-year course for students of more entrance preparation,
a one-year course for high school graduates. In the Agricultural and Domestic
Science School the courses are uniformly two years.
   "The Wood County Normal and Agricultural School has from the first
the generous support of the people. Its extensive service is now recognized
as a
necessary part of Wood County's activities. The members of the faculties
go out
into the country under the direction of the county superintendent to attend
take part in social and civic work. They give from 75 to 100 addresses a
year in
country schoolhouses."
