e) To u e arays,   iIs,  taL      Xhi t ly cause unnee- Si     .
tf To use unduI   ~ the fla-of truce, thie noI orr*e   miltaryl
badXXges a                        r twill-     di~tctiv-makof''ict
the Geneva Convention.;
:g) T  destroy or seize the propertyof the enemy, except inthe cases
when , ~    itor :tflcti*k 'sho uldR be i nit I     uirf     e tthe
h) To declare extinct, suspefitedvor void in aw the rights and leal
actions of the citizens of the adverse country.
It is likewi Xfrbiddenii to 4   th6 cittiens ofth   rse party to
-take a part in the, operations of war Waged.again*tjr own countiry,
;    i:eveei theyhad been- 'in the -ice offTe enemy ibfre theb gbeintng
of-0   -  the  war.   - :     -0    :     ':    -     =-    --
ART; 2   . -It   ifiif      to atta2C  or bob    by any means
whatever, towns, villages, houses or buildings which are undefended.
-. An-t - t . 27.'- In cases of sieges and bombardments, all neeessary steps
t be .0 .X taken to spate as much as posse all LUildings used for sacred
w    orship,arts, sciencesrand public relief; historic buildings,
;plaes where the wounded and the- sick are gathered,
sle  re  therdd, provided those'
-buildingss are noi;  d at the same time-for any military prpose.-
:; : 000  ART. 28^ ItX is fotbiddn to pillage a town or place, ,even after
hasb    taken by storm.              '
ART. 50. -No collective penalty, either as a fine or otherwise, can
be required fr  the -ipopulations on account of individuM  acts, for
' swhich they c tld not be considered responsible'a a whoe.'
ART. 51.     No, tax shall be levied, except according to a writte#n-
order'from a general in command and on his own resPonsibility.
It wilt be collected, as much as :posstble, according to the rules for the
assessment of the existing taxes."'
' The'tax-payer shall' be given a receipt for any mony paid.
ART. 53. -   The army occupying a terto     shall be allowed' to;
ne 'only the ',oney, funds and  v aluables' belong  exclusively ':'to the
Sta-te, the magazines of arms, means of transport,' provisions, and-
-: :ge~nerally all personal propeity of the State, which can be used fr th&
EgB'00~~~~~~~~~~a                         e~sed$;, or.7 t -;fs n, 'W.,' .
e tions 'fwar.