- T~~~~he             i    w of 'war; , t         ,.,0 f
do   not justil       erman jatrocfis
now    GERMANY      HONOURS       HER    SIGNATURE:           :
of the     18th   of   October       1907, Signed
by Germany, provides as follows:
ART. 2. - The inhabitants of an unoccupied territory, who6onthe
enemy's approach, rise spontaneousl in arms in orde to fight
invading troops, without having had time to         m
according to art. 1. shall be considered as ombat
their arms openly and respect the lawsand uses of 'Tap.
ART. 3.   The armed forces of the contendin  arties may; be
composed of combatants and non-combatants. la the  apture  -
the enemy, both have the right to be treated as prisoners of war.
ART. 4. -The prisoners of war -are under the Po
government of the' enemy, but not of th indiidual o
bave taken them.
They must be treated with humanity.
Everything belonging to the
thew Derofa             war th_-ex,
hossando miltar papes.teify
Ge erm      n  atrocirti
by~     ~      )toe         1907,y sine
enemy's apporidesha follows:n
invading ~ ~  ~    o anops  unotchpie tertoy wo oh
their~ ~ ~  ~~noul inm arenls ind ordrc totih     h
Or.~ ~  ~   ~~n      hadTh  timed toogaierhmle
composed ~onidre            as combatants  ifd thycar
the ~~             h lawsy andh uses ofe wai.ht
government ~  ~    e of the contndin  patis    ayb
have~ ~ ~  ~~~-cmatys take        them caeoiapub
They must~ ~  ~   t be treated wit  prsnesofwr
Everything ~ ~   r perlonallg wit ththenm    fars
horses and military paw.emistronpopers.? re- ;0 4 0''',S,('''
horses ~ ~ ~   ~   isn thei owntar  property.

ART. 7 22.-The rights of
injuring the enemy, are not rsil
.ART. 23. BeHideS the pro
is 18particularly forbidden:
xf thth            o
-  a) To use pison or btaone
.-i) .T   to killa or wound treae
arm   orn Theirodor
gov  amt io t   n       b
