eF s           OM T[ 00SOPIi
41 f   ts           Evenly Matched Teams Battle In
Snow: Frost Fight for Single
Team B Defeats All-Anferic
o[Toa   Madison High L res     at
0    a   s
By W. D. RICHARDS70                             C
I~indill  nded  omettng  Ior e
6uhn n f, Sop, rar      -,7
RESHMENPARTY                    -,,e      t       h
?Y],,  -0 at
IS ON FOR TONIGH                     It i
Wiley Says Committees Name                                                     5eo
On Efficiency Basis: List Ib
SmaerncyLass earINearly 100 Have Signed Up Fo -OnsA h o
Smaller Than Last Year              First Green Button
Lawrence Hall. Mixer Chairmah                Stunt            W  [    HO        R   CV   O
Will Have Biggest Job Wit      Narly one    -
NiIo ehundred frshmn  h
"Mixer a Month" on His Hand, -:i te1r intention of ane
ht G:reen Buatton party tonight
athrop. From 5 to 7 a buffet  s
TI,,                    r Wl  he ,erved in. the  S. G.
TIeftrmln-an cire   tcc 't.   on and the   reception  cemmit____
n                 ion arranged stunts to  keep
ry President R                n t   r plel durt  thisetime. Annual Contest to Be Open To
The 11    committees ai f-, 'I l  O ru -cn  'clock  te eaurllIi  eo
erhnUsuatl fnd,                                t  under            Both Men and
to greater etlc nFEW FRESHMEN LEAVE               i4ie. wBil
acording to Wi-
nake the commt:-         BUT MANY ARE CLOSE ertructe W
*poresh l,'  he  aldt.
setbe chebasof the aff
pedo the motubero                               r th~m 9r,,1e    -rc i all university fresh-
aoss            Small Number Put Out of Univer-             utm    drife tdd ot  contest yill be
*Tho mIxer comm              *)Q1 at. cdoight a&t                                  o'clock  In room
t    ixere   l      Sity at Thanksgiving         oa           i    t     ock          o
Hill, whIle              Tn                  mear-, ay  TAll fri-len, both men and wom-
*t  harmalnt <                                  Leona  P el, may ter this contest and tIY
out  Ir  places  in  the  final frstin
1s a esuilt f                                      Hlo      cntes to be hed on March S. The
pi ! plitforn pro  About 350 students of the freshman  oHaii rationO may or iay not be original.
ronth            'lass of the college of letters and  si-   I  >ut  must  not j-  longer  that,  eight
Names Fifteenence are doing unsatlstactory work 3nhel,  minutes, a longer oration will di.
The committs accordIng to meagre reports of the           qualify the sopaker
lap Night- Itlpl  holastic status of the  universty Castee, ar  The candidate, awarded the first
Hiereort I itttn  wh.  hale eman.led fro  tho utbi.  Lo.-lk  H  four  places toiight will compete
Mldaurcee  barnitit, 11tI the  varius deans                   with  four  rpresenttatilve  of the  four
SIteIt Pond      Custom which ais become precedenL Bereoniak.  men's litearey societies, one  being
Athileties-Alf O pevents the faculty tiout oisuing re- 5, Marie ER s-lected fteem each society, in the
Morguerite  Loge ports for publicatlon wih  0d gIv  Vrsta  n lnal contest on  M1rch, andt
1t.,r, Arthur Lay the student body exact fats on bow          ioter fthi contest wil be awa
H1.            the students stand in thire uner-           ed a gold fob medal
Miuer Committ* ity Work. Only aleraQs of -otleges           I he judge, for the contest SR:
ran.  Liwrece  Hal  -Id  corses  are  ordinrarll  publishd.   N.  11.  Blart, S  Fred  Miller.  and
ian Huttit.       -rshmen who were sent torte at             John Gross  Mahlon  H. Caradine,
ully      1     hnksgig Ca.n prutaiy be num-              secretal of the Forenslc board,
ittie1Yoii. ieIrsjcc oe h..,cd 'roirst Ieparh-         pecode,
liay Yut                 0 h   t               A rvitsed  hlds le Of all oratorical
tiO~~ia  trs  ttilri  geot,a             ects hi- boon onneuneed, stidIl
'du   itrIot  ire  unlt  the  etd  of    ulbr tid t t   s'i   as  follows.
ettnter in Feltrar, :re n                            -'-      18

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