SECOND consecutive Conference championship topped off a wonderful out-door season
for Coach Jones' men. Wisconsin finished the Conference meet at Evanston with 49
points, Illinois took second with 35:4 points, Chicago third with 204, and Missouri fourth
with 201 , followed in order by California, Purdue, Mississippi A. C., Kansas, Notre Dame, Min-
nesota, Oberlin, Indiana. Northwestern, Ames, and Ohio State.
A well-balanced team, led by that worthy trio, Smith, Mucks, and Harvey, scored in every
event but one, and finished up an afternoon of success by winning the relay. Smith of the Wiscon-
sin team won first individual honors, and Mucks broke one of the six Conference records of the
day; so, all in all, life was quite pleasant to Coach Jones on that particular third day of June.
Carman Smith beat his old rival. Hohman of Illinois, in both the 100- and 220-yard events,
and then won second in the broad jump. Simpson of Missouri was his nearest rival for individual
honors, winning both hurdles and fourth in the broad jump.
Mucks hung up a new record, as usual, in the discus throw, and also took first in the shot put.
Liversedge of California, set a new shot put record but was disqualified. Mucks got the points, but
turned the trophy over to the coast athlete, who was thrown out on a technicality.
Captain Harvey ran a beautiful half-mile, but lost by inches to Scott, the phenom from the
Mississippi Ag college. The Badger distance men pushed their rivals hard and picked off seconds
in the long grinds, and Peterson and Carter each bagged a third and a fourth in the dashes. Hus-
ton's lame ankle permitted of only one try in the pole vault, and Spike barely missed in his single
leap at 12 feet.
The relay was the most sensational event of the meet. Field led off and beat the pick of Confer-
ence starters to the lead. Carter and Smith added to Field's lead in their relays, and gave Williams,
the anchor man, a reasonable lead over Binga Dismond, the Chicago colored marvel. Ray held
his own and romped over the line a winner.

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