518                  WISOONSIN     BLUE BOOK.

insurance agent; came to Wisconsin in 1846, and settled at Racine; removed
to Washington county in 185,, where he remained until 1865, when he went
to Ohio; in 1871 he returned to Wisconsin and located in Milwaukee; has
held various local offices; was elected to the assembly for 1'80 and re-elected
for 1881, receiving 1,564 votes against 1,325 for J. J. Somers (Democrat).
Tenth District.-The towns of Granville, Milwaukee and Wauwatosa. Pop-
    ulation, 10,231.
  WILLIAM PIERRON (Rep.), of Silver Springs, P. 0, was born in Mil-
waukee, on the 17th day of September, 1849; he received a common school
education; is a miller and manufacturer of starch; has always resided in
Milwaukee county; he was chairman of town board in 1877, school clerk
from 1875 to 1880, and has held various other local offices; was elected
semblyman for 1881, by a vote of 1,143 against 1,116 votes for 1H. Berthelett
Eleventh District.-The towns of Franklin, Greenfield, Lake and Oak Creek.
   Population, 11,921.
   DAVID J. PRICE (Rep.), of Bay View, was born in 31inersville, Penn-
sylvania, September 23, 1838; received a common school education; is a
merchrmt by occupation; came to Wisconsin in 1871, and settled at Bay View,
his present hom3; he enlisted April 16, 1M69, for three moinths, in Company
C, Sixth Penn. Inf.; re-enlisted September 3, 1F61, in Company A, Seventh
Penn Cay.; was wounded January 31, 1863; was promoted to 2d lieutenant
in June, 1863, and served until December 19, 1864; was pos'tmaster since
18'3, and was elected town treasurer two terms; was a candidate against G.
II. Paul, in 1879, for senator, but was defeated by 32 votes; was elected
th3 assembly of 1831, receiving 1,209 votes against 1,106 for A. Arnolds
                          Jlonroe County.
First Dis,'rict.--The towns of Angelo, Jefferson, La Fayette, Leon, Little
   Falls, New Lyme, Portland, Ridgeville, Sparta and Wells. PKpulation,
   WILLIAM1 J. AUSTIN (Rep.), of Leon, Monroe county, was born in the
town of Johnson, Trumbull county, Ohio, May 23, 1823; received a common
school education; is a farmer and miller by occupation; he came to Wiscon-
sin in 1847 and first settled in Sheboygan county, removingy to Leon in 1852;
was town treasurer in 1854; superi.ntendent of schools in 1S58, and has held
various other local offices;, was elected to the assembly of 1881, receiving
1.119 votes against 913 for William Lohmiller (Democrat), and 125 votes for
Alex. Nicol (Greenbacker.)
S.con1 .District.-The towns of Adrian, Byron, Clifton, Glendale, Greenfield,
    La Grange, Lincoln, Oakdale, Sheldon, Tomah, Wellington and Wilton.
    Popu!at-ijn, 11,169.
  JOHN O'BRIEN (Rep.), of Wilton, was born in the town of Scipio,
Catyuga county, New York, November 10, 1846; received a common school
education; is a merchant by occupation; came to Wisconsin and settled at
Portaga in 1853; left Portage in 1862 and settled in Monroe coulaty; was
clerk in 1868, 169, '70 and in 173; was elected to the assembly for 1881,
receiving 1,365 votes against 872 for William Swanects (Democrat), and 169
for Chris. Maxwell (Greenbacker).