INDEX.                            591

RhGnTS - (continucd)                                            Page.
     cntucration-of certain rights shall not operate retained rights,
       6th amendment to U. S. Con-........................              l
     of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, etc., sec. 11,
       art. i, Stite Con ..........   .........................    ;0
     of the accused, see. 7, art. 1, State Con..................     19-20
     equality of, and how secured, see. 1, a:t. i, Stlte Con..          19
     of the people to assemble, consult and petition, sec. 4, art. i,
       State Con ................................................ ..    19
     of worship not to be infringed, sec. 18, art. i, State Con ...  2021
     to continue as if no change in government, sec. 1, art. xiv, State
       Con..................   ........  ........................     3
P,.V-Ec FALLS NORMAL SCHOOL   .................................   857
l3ivERs, navigable to ee common highways, sec. 1, art. ix, State Coh.   33
LlULES and orders of each House, to what cases they shall apply.....    70
     each House shall determine its own, sec. 5, art. i, U. S. Con...   
     * not to be rescinded without notice, seuiate rule 54 ..............
                                      assembly rule 94 ........... 152
                                      joint rule 26............... 157
     suspens:on of, senate  rule 51 ................................... 
                   a-scr..;- rule 94 ..............................   132
                   joi:t r.itl; zl ......................................


SAINT Cnoix & Lake Superior Railroad Trespass Fund ..............   
ScUiEDnUs- OF CONiSTITUTION, arL xiv .................... ..   .     37-45
SCHOOL FUND ...................... ................................314
     income..       .......................................... 314-315
     what to consist of, sec. 2, art x, State Con ..................... 
     to remain separate and perpetual, sec. 21, art. x, State Con.....  83-34
     how interest of, to be applied, sec. 2, art. x, State Con .........
     how interest of, to be distributed, sec. 2, art. x, State Con..... 
SCHOOL AND UNIYEvSITY LANDS, Of what to consist, sec. 2, art. x,
       State Con ...................................................... 
     who to sell, sec. 7, art. x, State Con ............................
     purchase nioney of, how secured, sec. S, art. x, State Con ......  35
SCHOOLS, DISTReCT, Legislature to establish, sec. 3, art. x, St-ate Con.
     to be uniform and to be free, see. 3, art. x, State Con ...........
     no sectarian instruction allowed therein, sec. 3, art. x, State
       Con .....................................................  .     31
     annual tax to be raised for the support of, sec. 4, art. x, State
       Con.........   ........ ...............................     34
Scrap, State, not to be issued except in certain cases, sec. 9, art. viii,
       State Con .. ................... .... ...........................
ZEAL OF STATE, who to keep, sec. 4, art. xiii, State Con .............  37
     what acts of governor to be authenticated thereby, see. 4, art.
       xiii, State Con..................        ......................  37
SEBAMBN not to be deemed residents, sec. 5, art. iii, State Uon...      21
SEARCH WARRANTS, when and how issued, sec. 11, art. i, State Con.       20
SEAFRCUES AND SEIzURES, Constitutional provision relating thereto,
       sec'. 1', art. i, State Con .................................    23
     security against, 4th amendment U. S. Con................. 13-14
SEAT O0  UOVER.7,'a.SCNT, where to be, sec. 6, art. xiv, State Con.     38
     exclusive legislation, sec. 8, art. i, U. S. Con ...................
SEcnETtrnu o, STATE, when to act as governor, sec. 8, art. v, State
       Con ........................................ ......... ..........
     when and Low chosen, and his term of office, sec. 1, art. vi,
     State   Con .............. .............................. .......  27
     his duties, and to be ex officio Auditor, sec. 2, art. vi, State Con.
     to be one of Commissioners for sale of School Lands, etc., sec.
       7, art. x, State Con .................................. .34-35
       to be keeper of the Great Seal, sec. 4, art. xiii, State Con......
SE-.'.ETA1IES of State, list of.   ..      ....................... G6
      of Teiritory of Wisconsin ............... .  ...              55