INDEX.                            575

 DEBATE - (con tinued).                                         Page.
      proceedingis of the House not to be noticed in..................  68
      memb-rs concerned or implicated by the subject ought to with-
        draw ......................................... .... ............
      when question is under, order of motions, assembly rule 51   147
      how to address the presiding officer in, senate rule 16 ..........134
                                         assembly rule 46......   146
      speaking out of place prohibited, assembly rule 49....      147
      N lhen two members rise, senate rule IS .................... .. 134
                            assembly rule 47  ......................  146
      call to order while speaking, senate rule 17 .....................
                              - assembly rule 43 ..................  147
      not to speak more than twice, senate rule 19 ....... 1..........  134
                                 assembly rule 49..................  147
 DEBTS, against the confederation to be valid, sec. 1, art. vi, U. S. Con.
      no imprisonment for, sec. 16, art. i, S:ate ''on ..................
      public, when, how and for what purpose contracted, sec. 6, art.
      viii, State Con .........................................    32
 DECr.ARATION OF RIGHTS. art i, State Con .................... .. 19-21
 DEcou.uM., points, (sre  De atlae) ....................................
 DEEDs. regi:sters 01. hUN cro-en and termn cf offices. sec. 4. art. vi,
       Satae Coon ............        ............................
 DEFAIMATOFY pi.) Cnt.on.t -:    f      - I      ........           1
 1)Et'AULTErus iniiigible to odlice. Nee. 3. art, vi. "tate Con ..........
 DEFECT OF HEms, ;ands shall escheat to State, see. 3, art. ix, State
       Con i   ................................................    33
 DELEGATES to Congress from. Wisconsin Territory ............ . o 259
 DE[,INQUENT TAX FULND ..............                ....         318
 DEPARTMENTS OF STATE GOVErNHENT, organization of...........471-485
      executive ..............      ............................  471
      state .........................................   . ..      471
      treasury ....... o     .......................................  472
      law       .............................................     47i
      educational   ............................................473
      railroad ......  ......................................... 473
      insurance .............................................     474
      public lands.  .  .   .  ..............................     474
      public property ........... .............                   475
      miscellaneous........... ...... 475-485
DIPLOMATIC OFFICERS, United States ..........................   6-447
                     Foreign.. ..............................     457
DInECTORS, State Prison ...................................       376
DISBURSEMENTS and receipts, aggregate .... ....................   313
                            general fund .......................... 313-314
DISORDER, members creating, proceedings...               ..... . 68-69
DISORDER IN COM-M3ITTEE OF14 TIIE WHOLE, Speaker to resume the
       chair if great....... .......................................  63
DISORDERLY WORDS, h-)w and when taken down.....................    68
DISTRIBUTION 01' income of school fund, sec. 5, art. x, State Con.....  34
DISTRICT ATTORNEYS, how chosen and term of office, sec. 4, art vi,
       State Con ................  ....... ......................27-28
     list of ........................... . .........................420-42i
DISTRICT COURTS, United States, for Wisconsin ...................... 462
DISTRICTS, Assembly, how to be bounded, see. 4, art. iv, State Con.,  23
     Congressional, apportionment of, sec. 10, art. xiv, State Con 39
     School, to be established by law, sec. 3, art. x, State Con ...... 
     Senate and Assembly, apportionment of, sec. 12, art. xiv, State
       Con. .................................................... 43-43
DivisioN, when called for, senate rule 30 .......................... o.136
                        assembly rule 60 ........................ o.148
     of the House, practice in ascertaining.........................  92-95
     of questions discussed .................................... 88-89
DivoRCEs, Legislature not to rrant, sec. 24, art. iv, State Con.
D)os, rules respecting their being closed......... .......        70
     ought not to be shut, to be kept by-persons appointed..........  70
DRAINAGE FUND ................                     ..   .......   3,17
DUEL, challenge to, breach of privilege......... .......... .