THE RULES AND ORDERS - ASSEMBLY.                     148

 1. On Judiciary.                 11 On Lumber and Manufactures.
 2. On Ways and Mleans.           12. On Public Improvements.
 3. On Federal Relations.         13. On Militia.
 4. On Education.                 14. On Agriculture.
 5. On Railroads.                 15. On Town and County Organization
 6. On Insurance, Banks and Banking.16. On Roads and Bridges.
 7. On State Affairs.             17. On State Lands.
 8. On Privileges and Elections.  18. On Medical Socidties.
 9. On Incorporations.            19. On Legislative Expenditures.
10. On Assessment and Collection of 20. On Engrossed Bills.
     Taxes.                       21. On Enrolled Bills.
  20.--The following committees shall be joint committees, and shall be
constituted as follows:
  1. On Claims.*-Five from the Assembly, and three from the Senate.
  2. On Charitable and renal Institutions.t- Three from the Assembly and
two from the Senate.
  3. On rrinting. --Three from the Assembly and two from the Senate.
  21.-- Select or special committees may be raised on motion or by resola-
tion, designating the number and object, and unless otherwise ordered, shall
be appointed by the Speaker,

                   MIAJORITY AND MNoFT" nErOnTS.
  22. -In case all the members of any committee required or entitled to
report on any subject referred to them cannot agree upon a report, the ma-
jority and minority of such committee may each make a separate report; and
any member dissenting in whole or in part, from the reasonsings or conclu-
sions of both the majority and minority, may also present to the Assembly
a statement of his reasoning and conclusion; and all reports, If decorous
language and respectful to the Assembly, shall be entered at length on the
  23. -In all cases where there shall be both majority and minority re-
ports submitted to the Assembly, the bill, memorial, resolution or other
matter reported upon, shall lie upon the table until the reports thereon
have been printed in the journal and laid upon the desks of members.
                     TITLE OF BILL TO BE RECITED.

  24.-    Every committee, in reporting upon any bill or memorial, shall
  recite at length, in their report, the title of such bill or memorial,
as well as
  the number thereof.
                        ABSENCE OF COIaI=ITTEES.
 .25. -No committee shall absent themselves by reason of their appoint-
 ment, during the sitting of the Asssmbly, without special leave, except
a Com.
 mittee of Conference.

 *See sees. 18 to 22, Inclusive, of chapter 9, revised statutes, page 122.
 t See chapter 165. general law[ of 1868, as amended by chapter 109,general
laws of

   t See chapter 114 sectIon 22 general laws of 1858.