term; book-keeper for Hon. Wm. H. Ranasey, bank comptroller, for three
years, and after that,,assistant register of deeds of Dane county; was elected
to the assembly of 1871, as a democrat; has been elected county treasurer
since 1873; was elected member of assembly for 1S$1, receiving 2,856 votes,
against 78 votes for his greenback competitor.

                           Pepin County.
 And the towns of Canton, M3axwell and Naples, in Buffalo county. Popula-
    tion, 8,427.
    GEORGE TARRANT (Rep.), of Durand, was born in Woolhampton, Eng-
 land, February 11, 1833; he received a common school education; is a mer-
 .chant by o'.cupation; immigrated in 1853 and settled in Janesville, from
 whence he removed to Durand in 1863; was town treasurer several years;
 chairman of county board four years; was elected to the assembly for 1881,
 receiving 648 votes, agaiast 594 votes for W. H. Huntington, also Republican.

                           Pie)-ce Comity.
                           Population, 15,101.
  FRANKLIN L. GILSON (Rep.), of Ellsworth, was born in the town of
  Middlefield, Geauga county, Ohio, October 22, 1816; received a partial
legiate education at Hiram and Oberlin Colleges; is a lawyer by profession;
came to Wisconsin in 170 and settled at West Bend, where he studied law
and was admitted to the bar; removed to Ellsworth in 187'2; was district
attorney of Pierce county from 1874 to 1880; delegate from the seventh con-
gressional district to the Republican nat:onal convention in Chicago in
June, 1881; was elected to the assembly for 1881, receiving 2,213 votes against
987 votes for S. J. Fox (Democrat).

                          Poi'tage Coumty.
                          Population, 14,837.
  JAMES E. ROGERS (Rep.), of Stevens Point, was born in Jefferson
county, New York, December 18, 1842; received a common school education;
he came to Wisconsin in 1853 and settled at Hartford, Washington counly;
removed to Mayville, Dodge county, in 1853, where he resided until 186.,
when he went to Portage county; has held the office of clerk of circuit court
since 1872; was town clerk two years previous; was elected to the assembly
of 1881 by a vote of 2,131 against 1,381 votes for William Walton (Democrat),
and 21 votes for S. A. Sherman (Greenbacker).

                          Racinse Couenty.
First District.- City of Racine. Population, 13,274.
  NORTON J. FIELD (Rep.), of Racine, was born in the town of Elba,
Genesee county, New York, September 26,1839; received a collegiate educa-
tion, graduating at Racine College July, 1857; is a book-kee.per; has resided
in Racine since 1847; enlisted in April, 1861, and was orderly sergeant of
Co. F, 2d Wis. Inft., of the Iron Brigade; was a member of the assembly in
1876, 1877, and 1879, and elected for the session of 1831, receiving 2,051
against 1,435 for J."P. Corse (Democrat).