598                 wiSCONSiN BLUE BOOK.

VICE PREESIDENT of the United States to be President of the Senate, Page.
       sec. 3.  art. i, U. S. Con  ............. . ................... .......
     how elected. sec. 1, art. ii, U. S. Con ......................... .
     how elected, 12th amendment to U. S. Con .....................    15
     shall in certain cases discharge the duties of President, sec. 1,
       art. ii, U. S. Con ........................................      8
     may be removed by impeachment, sec. 4, art. ii, U. S. Con.....     9
VILLAGES may be incorporated, sec. 3, art. xi, State Con..........     35
     officers of, how to be elected, sec. 9, art. xiii, State Con      37
VILLAGES, cities and towns, indebtedness of ...................... 3 6-327
VOTE of one House requiring the concurrence of the other, sec. 7,
       art. i, U. S. Con ........................
     right to, not to be denied on account of race, 13th amejidment
       U. S,. or,.* .......                                       16
     every member must... ............................ .   .       94
     must not, if not present ...................................      94
     change of ...........................    .   .      .....     95
     for President, by states, from 1856 to 826..................265-267
     electoral, from 1860 to 1880  ......................     ....    258
     Presidential, in.Wisconsin, from 1848 to 1889.    ......... 269
     popular, for President, from 1821 to 1880 .......................  270
     sqmmary of popular and electoral, from 1789 to 188) ............ 271-273
     summary of Gubernatorial, from 1848 to 1879 .................    302
     percentage of total, from 1804 to 18S .1........................  274
     Gubernatorial, by counties and towns for 1879 ................... 275-301
     Presidential, by counties and towns for 1860 .................... 275-'01
     given for state officers in 1879 ................................. 304-3
     Presidential (1876-1880) and Gubernatorial (1879) compared....   303
     Congressional, of 1878 and 1880 compared ......0................  3106-37
VOTERs, who qualified, sec. 1, art. iii, State Con .....................
     who di-qialified, sec. 2, art. iii, State ton . ......*.... 22-23
     who disqualified, sec. 2, art. xiii, State Con.................... 
VOTI.NG, when to be by ballot, see. 3, art. iii, State Con ...............
     every member to vote, senate rule 22 ........................    135
                          assembly rule 59..................      148
     absent members, names of, to be recorded, assembly rule 58...    148


WAGERS, persons interested in, when disqualified as e'ectors, sec. 6,
     art. iii, State Con ........................................ 3
WAR, Congress to declare, see. 8, art. i, U. S. Con...................(1
WAnat WORDS, or quarrels, adjustment of                         63,68
WARRANTS, for searches and scizures, when and how they shall issue,
     4th amendment to U. S. (on ...............                 13-24
WASHBURN ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY ......................          345
WEIGHTS -AND MEASURES, standard of; sec. 8, art. i,U, S. Conil          6
WHITEWATER NORMAL, SCHOOL .................................. 2153-254
WHITNEY AND RANDALL, bribery case, reference to .................      53
WITHDRAW, members cannot, when question is putting ...........         94
     motions, rule of parliament..................... ..............   84
WIScONSIN, citizens holding United States offices ..................44S-459
     historical sketch of ............... ......................... 331-331
     Hospital for the Insane........ ....................... 36-363
     National Guard ..81-482
WITNESS in criminal cases, no one compelled to be against himself,
       5th amendment U. S. Con ..................... ..........   14
     against self in criminal cases, not compelled to be, se-. 8, art.
       i. State  Con... .....................................          20
WVlTiESSEs. how summbned, examined, etc ................        63-64
Wonsunp, tight of, not to be infringed, sec. 18, art. i, State Con ...o..
WRITS, style of, see. 17, art. vii, State Con ...... . ................ 
     power of Supreme Court to issue, sec. 3, art. vii, State Con....  28-29
     power of Circuit Courts and Circuit Judges to issue, sec. 8, art.
       vii, State Con ............... .............................  30